Dual SIM card selection software issue

Continuing the discussion from FP2: How to use the Dual SIM feature?:

Hello everyone,

Since I am currently living in the United States, I am using the dual SIM feature of the FP2 to use my American and German plan on the same time. Like @moritzheinz, I also have the problem that my phone consequently uses the wrong SIM card. The steps he described (In the telephone app go to: Settings -> Call Settings -> Phone Account Settings -> Make calls with … and change to the correct card), work fine. Nevertheless they are just a workaround for a bug in the Android system, which prevents the phone app from using the general settings (Only the option “Ask every time” seems to get synchronized). This is not only annoying, but also expensive. A call, which is routed from the United States to Germany and back to the United States is really nothing you want to see on your bill.

I opened an new topic for this bug to raise awareness (to prevent at least other people from paying too high bills) and to make it easier for the technical support to identify this as a considerable issue.

How many of you also have this issue?

There’s also an issue with data roaming that is potentially caused by a shared underlying issue:

I think my FP2 works fine. Before I knew the workaround to wait 5 seconds when “always ask” is selected, I had it set to always use SIM1 (German) when I was in Germany and when I was in Spain, I changed it to always use SIM2 (Spanish). I did this in the general phone settings.

No problem ever, only that I forgot to change the settings for the preferred SMS SIM when I came back to Germany, so I sent some messages with the wrong number.

The phone always respects my settings. The same happens with the data connection. It always uses the SIM that’s selected as preferred SIM for internet.

Note: I’ve never disabled one of my SIMs. Maybe by disabling one, the phone forgets about it’s existence and switches to its default settings (I think it’s SIM1).

I think you are right and both bugs have the same underlying issue. Should we merge both topics to make a collection of effects this issue causes? To me it seems to be very important thing to fix this issue. Other FP2 owners might also get a huge surprise with their bills otherwise.

I think you are right. Since I changed the SIM card in the phone app settings manually for one time, it seems to synchronize with the general settings as desired again.

The issue appeared the first time for me after I disabled one or both cards in a specific order. Right now I am having a hard time reproducing the issue.

So maybe it’s not really a bug.

But I think it’s very important to always check/redo the settings if a SIM was disabled or physically removed.

I think it is a bug, since I checked the settings after I disabled/re enabled the SIM cards. All settings were correct. The phone app nevertheless took the wrong SIM card. Even when I disabled the second SIM card (which the phone app wanted to use), it did not change to the primary SIM card. Instead it gave me the error that making a call was impossible.