🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Filmtipp: "Death by Design" - 22.6.2017 Wien

Kinovorführung in Englischer Sprache:

Death By Design (2016),anschließende Diskussion zu Arbeitsbedingungen in der Elektronikfertigung in China

Sophia So (SACOM), Hong Kong

Wann: 22 Juni, 19 Uhr
Wo: TOP KINO , Rahlgasse 1 (Ecke Theobaldgasse),1060 Wien
Eintritt: freie Spende

Mehr Infos zum Film:


Für alle in Oberösterreich es gibt auch einen Termin in Linz:

Wann: 26.Juni 2017 18 Uhr
Wo: Cardijn-Haus, Kapuzinerstraße 49, 4020 Linz
Eintritt: freie Spende

Weitere Informationen: http://bit.ly/2rvsnZn

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I watched the film “Death by Design” at Top Kino in Vienna yesterday- definitely worth to see!

Sophia So from SACOM was there and I think her organisation has good information about the labor condition in the electronics industry:

In the film there is also an interview with a IFixit Co-founder https://www.ifixit.com and they mention a company which try to produce eco-friendly PCs and laptops in Ireland: http://www.iameco.com

Next week there is a chance to watch the film in Linz (see post above) and we are thinking to show the film again in Vienna.


That’s good to hear. I couldn’t make it yesterday, but would be interested to watch it.

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The problem is that they charge quite a high fee for screenings (350$). We would need sponsors/partners and/or sell tickets.

Hi @Stefan or @werner_noebauer can you ask them if we can screen it for none commercial purposes, no entrance fee, and if they give discount to screen it for NGO’s - social enterprises?
Perhaps we can work something out. :slight_smile:

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