Cyanogenmod 11 for Fairphone FP1(U) Install guide + experiences

I don’t intend to derail this thread completely, but I think I have to clarify. I should not have used the firewall analogy.

XPrivacy is more that a firewall, it’s a rights management system. You can allow or disallow apps to access certain parts and information of your Android system, like e.g. GPS or cell tower location, your Android ID, your advertisement ID and so on. And you can feed (randomised or manually entered) false data to any app. You could e.g. make GoogleMaps believe that you are on the Easter Islands, if it suits you.

It takes time to do the settings for every app, sometimes the results are a little annoying (e.g., don’t forget about the Easter Islands, for example, if you want to find the address of the local pizza service…), and you can cripple your device (e.g. disallowing the Google PlayStore access to your Android ID does crash not only the PlayStore, but has some possibly unexpected side-effects). But it’s actually not really difficult to set up.

Just BTW, my FP is currently ad-free thanks to BigTinCan’s AdFree, which works really fine. Another advantage of a rooted device. :+1: :space_invader: :space_invader: :space_invader:


indeed that one seems more flexible than my current AdAway, that starts with an external blacklist file which seems difficult to control… Thank you!

Thank you for your infos, but it still doesn’t answer to my real question; let’s try to say it the other way round.

I’ve not a FP yet and i haven’t because i don’t like google especially because of its priviacy issues. I’m sure installing CyanogenMod would solve this problem, but i’ve not the right skills to do it, so it’s not a real option.
So, considering that FP comes with a clean Android version and i can choose not to install google apps, is FP google safe (speacking about privacy) or is it only with CyanogenMod?

Sorry if my question was unclear.

I would say that Fairphone OS without Google Apps is more Google-free than CyanogenMod.
See here:

Also note this FSFE blog post.

That is actually incorrect. Google actually forced the cm Team to exclude Google playstore etc in all New CM versions. So it’s even the other way round.

You have to install Google Apps separately if you wish to have them as stated in the instructions above.

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They still use Google Analytics and some other proprietary software bits. These can be removed using the freecyngn shell script.


Didn’t knew that. Thanks for the heads up!

Yes, it is with the preinstalled FP OS. I have lived and worked with a Google Free Fairphone for some months and many still do. I advise you to install Fdroid for a safe and open source app resource. You will probably also want to install K9-Mail and Davdroid als well as a mapping app like Osmand+ to make the most of your Google Free Android device.


That’s almost exactly my setup too. The only two annoyances in my case are

  • the GPS converges much slower without Google assistance (using knowledge of wifi and GSM tower names to get a first rough estimate of the location). There are alternatives (Mozstumbler etc.) but they presently are building an open database rather that actually allowing one to use it. So… get ready to not find your way straight on in the street, even though Openstreetmap (Osmand app) is perfect and on F-Droid…

  • some paying apps are really useful, and they are often available only via GApps. There are some alternative vendors though (like Mobogenie, Aptoide, Slideme) but not all paying apps, and by far, can be found there. On the other hand some developers like the very efficint Softmaker do allow one to buy directly on their site, so to some extent this depend on whether you are optimistic or not :slight_smile:
    I just scanned my FP screen to check which paying apps I rrreally needed to the extent of paying via Google: indeed I found only one: Printhand, by far the most efficient way to find and use printers…

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This kind of is leaving the path of Cyanogenmod and getting off topic. Please consider moving the conversation somewhere else! :slight_smile:


this indeed can be continued here: Alternative Apps(tores): Living without Google (FP1)

Great topic with all this information about living without google.
Let’s keep this strictly to CM and the development of it.

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->Install zip
–> choose zip from /storage/sdcard 1

i copied the file there and can even find it in total commander or whatsover, but the file can not be found nor does the bootloader say sdcard1. instead it says just sdcard. it also shows the clockworkmod folder and within that the backup folder with my backup. so i could validate its the same directory as the copied files are in. but still, no chance getting it work. any ideas?

it gets more confusing: when i go to the 1gb root directory i find several folder all over the place that end in the clockwordmod/backup/ folder again. how is this system built up?

the actual folder shown in the boot menu is 1gb partition/data/media/ there i have three folders: “0” “clockworkmod” and “obb”. why cant i go to a different partition in bootloader?

You did in fact put the ZIP on an extra SD card, not on your Main filesystem, right?

Hello, I have two questions:

  • What is wrong with using the standard Cyanogenmod installer for this?
  • Is there a way to make this work through Mac OS X?


Hi @Kaspaar The cyanogenmod installer only works for a limited number of devices. Unfortunately not for fairphones by now.

No, there is no way i know of to run Android root and tools, which is essential in a mac. I strongly doubt there will eher be one.


I run Cyanogenmod 11 from nearly 2 months now.
After this experience, I have new points to share :

  • the GPS is not accurate. Maybe I need to install few more app to improve it such has Fast GPS… I will test this later :
  • I have installed several Camera Apps, but I regret a little bit the original Fairphone OS Camera App :slight_smile:
  • I don’t use Google Account : I’m using the alternate shop Aptoide
  • to preserve my privacy, I’m using since 2 weeks Xprivacy : it’s look like the ultimate permission remover for Android.
  • the video recording is still crashing. To bad for dailytime short movies…

But even if there are bad sides, I don’t regret my switch to Cyanogenmod because it can be more personalized than FairphoneOS.


And it works fine on FP-OS, too ;).


Have you tried the Privacy Guard Settings, that come with cyanogenmod?

I moved 4 posts to an existing topic: Battery problem after Cherry 1.6 Update (battery might be dying)

did you guys receive some OS update from CyanogenMod during the time you used it on FP?
I switched back to fairphoneOS some months ago but actually, being stuck on jelly bean, is quite a mess :smile:

hoping for something new from the fairphone team in next months.

do you guys think could be possible for FP team to release some hardware upgrade for the phone?
for example: they provide a new screen, size same as the original one but with new and better resolution. Throught iFixit they could provide instruction to replace the screen, and, throught the forum and XDA platform, the “code part” to eventually resolve interface problems (driver issues, troubleshooting, bug fixes, …).
Same thing goes for the camera, the speaker, microphone, … .
Developing the phone this way they could stay true with one of their first assertion “the best phone is the one you already have”, and will help to reduce the electronic waste.