To discuss:
It seems to me that apart from Aachen, few community meetups still order the Community Fairphone 2 (CFP2) from Jollemanhof. As a consequence, the diary that comes with the CFP2 could become more or less obsolete unless meetup hosts also order it as a standalone event companion independent of the CFP2. It might make sense then to re-dedicate it from a CFP2 companion to a general meetup or community diary (and add it to the list of event materials).
However, I hope some of you will chime in first and give their opinions.
In the short run, do the July hosts want the diary for your upcoming meetups? I would need to mail it on tuesday or wednesday at the latest to arrive in time for the inaugural Freiburg meetup, so if you @hnms want it, please PM me the postal address you want to have it sent to right now, please. @Friek, have you requested the CFP2? Right now it still sits on my shelf here in Aachen (it would still travel via Jollemanhof though).