Communication around spare parts availability: join our series of user interviews

Hi y’all!

As some of you may already know, I am Damien, UX designer at Fairphone.
Within the company, my work is mainly to improve the global user experience across the website and the webshop.

Lately, I am working with our team to improve the communication around the spare parts availability on our webshop and our challenges to produce them.
Your feedback is important to us and we would like to hear from you on this specific topic.

I am currently looking to run a series of user interviews this Thursday and this Friday with some members of our community to have a deeper understanding of your needs around this topic.
Basically, we want to ask you few questions to see if what we plan would actually help you to have a better overview of our spare parts availability.

If you are interested and have 10-15 minutes to chat, please contact me by private message so we can find the more suitable time for our discussion!

I’m looking forward to discussing with y’all :slight_smile:

Have a nice evening!


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