I asked @anon83519835 to make the necessary changes om September 2nd (over a week ago), when the discussion diverted and there seemed to be more people liking my proposal:
- me (btw. 7 / on the post).
- @paulakreuzer
- @stanzi
or not caring:
than being against it:
- @urs_lesse (btw 3 / , 2 of them also liked my initial post)
- @AnotherElk
- @ModularKing
I agree that a poll is a good idea and I admit that i hadn’t thought about it. Please ask for a poll next time (or create one yourself). Thanks to @paulakreuzer, who simply went ahead and created a poll.
The reason for my rushing was that I didn’t want a discussion to get delayed like this one: Rearranging Categories (again) . It has been going on for a year between only a handful of people, we have found a consensus and no action has been taken. I asked @anon83519835 to also go ahead and do the changes, but if you like, we can also make a poll about that decision.
I think that the category structure has a much higher impact on the entrance barrier to the forum than the colour of the heart icon.
I like this idea because of the old Fairphone logo, but I think there is a reason, why Discourse chose the heart rather than the star, which is more like a symbol to bookmark your favourite websites.
It was neither.
I also didn’t want to abuse any power (if I had more power I might abuse it and change the ugly favicon ;)) and want to apologize for causing bad feelings with some people here. I hope you can accept the apology.
Ps: I was indeed “afk” (away from keyboard) the whole day. If Fairphone paid me, I’d do the same working hours as @anon83519835.