🇳🇱 Blauw hoesje fairphone 2 te geef> Afhalen in Gent of versturen op jouw kosten

What product(s) are you giving away?

blauw hoesje fairphone 2. nieuw, foutief geleverd

(Once you have given away your product, please add [GIVEN AWAY] in front of the topic name or ask the community moderators to do it for you)

From where would you be shipping (country or city)?

Photo(s) of the product(s) (if it is a phone, please include a photo of the phone switched on displaying the current date):

Other, remarks:

NB: If you are interested and want to send a direct message, please check #how-to-dm.
Be aware, that cross-border shipment of batteries outside a phone is virtually impossible for individuals.

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