Black and white display on certain apps

Hi all,

My fp3 display has suddenly gone black and white on certain apps. It’s the apps that I have selected for ‘focus mode’ however this is outside of the hours when my focus mode is normally on. I have tried switching off focus mode and bedtime mode and deselecting these apps and I have tried restarting the phone multiple times but still when I open these apps the screen displays in black and white.

Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone have any advice?

Many thanks


There are several options and modes available: Focus mode on Android

Hi, I’ve been having exactly the same issue for the last few days! Have tried the same measures, rebooting, turning off Focus Mode etc. It’s not limiting my time on the apps or warning me that Focus Mode is on when I open the affected apps. My partner reckons that it’s an Android software bug that Google would need to fix. Bit frustrating!

A post was split to a new topic: FP4 black and white display

Seems like there’s a few of us then and it’s a system bug! I just tried uninstalling/reinstalling one of the affected apps as Carlijn mentioned and that is working for me too for now. Maybe this will be fixed whenever the next software update is?

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Reinstalling worked for me, too! Fingers crossed that the bug doesn’t keep reappearing…

Same issue here, affecting Gmail and WhatsApp for around the past five days - both were previously set as my only distracting apps in Focus Mode.

Reinstalling WhatsApp unfortunately did nothing for me. Have turned off Focus Mode, now have no apps selected as distracting, have reset app permissions, restarted etc.

Gmail labels in particular are super frustrating in grayscale! Hope there’s a fix soon.

As this ssem to be related to digital wellbeing, I assume there was recently an update of digital wellbein causing this…I dont use digital wellbeing and never ever did and dont see that issue.

I doubt that issue is caused by a FP OS update.



the fix in the video has solved this for me! didn’t think to check digital wellbeing as an app - thanks so much.