Android KitKat (4.4.4) for FP1

Just in case someone else might run into the same problems as I did, I wrote a detailed step-by-step set of instructions how I was able to

Install z3ntu's Android KitKat 4.4.4
without ADB & Fastboot

Click to see 15-point set of instructions

Thanks to z3ntu for pointing me towards all the necessary solutions. The following can be done with variations at some points (especially location of files), but I was just glad it worked out this way, so I’ll just describe the exact procedure that I succeeded with. Please note that the effect of the buttons change in the course of the instructions.

Preparation: #dic:backup your data. Wiping data might not be necessary during this upgrade, but it could be if you run into issues. Also a recent backup is always a good idea before any update or upgrade.

  1. I downloaded the recovery.img and z3ntu’s 4.4.4 zip to my FP1’s SD card (top level).

  2. I installed the first best terminal app ( that I found (and z3ntu also suggested) in order to be able to install the recovery without ADB & Fastboot.

  3. Launch the terminal app, type su and press .

  4. Once the entry is confirmed, type the following and press :

dd if=/storage/sdcard1/recovery.img of=/dev/recovery

Afterwards, it should look like this:

  1. Now you need to boot into the newly installed recovery by holding the POWER button and the VOLUME UP button simultaneously (for a long time). Either the display will turn black and you will eventually get to see five really tiny lines in the middle of the screen (should happen when you come from 4.2.2. a.k.a. Fairphone OS 1.8.7 Kola Nut) – or you might land at step 7 right away (if you come from Fairphone’s 4.4.2 a.k.a. Macadamia 1.9.9). Release the buttons now.

  2. An <<== arrow should point at “[Recovery Mode]”. If this is the case already, confirm by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button once. If the <<== arrow stands elsewhere, scroll to “[Recovery Mode]” by pressing the VOLUME UP button.

  3. Wait until the recovery has booted (it has a grey textile fabric background)

    • 7a (optional): Scroll to wipe data/factory reset by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and confirm by pressing the POWER button.
    • Confirm by scrolling to "Yes“ by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and confirm by pressing the POWER button.
    • You can skip this to keep your data, but if after finishing the upgrade you can’t boot your device you’ll have to wipe the data then. And it will be to late to make a backup then.
  4. Scroll to "install zip“ by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and confirm by pressing the POWER button.

  5. Scroll to "choose zip from /storage/sdcard1“ by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and confirm by pressing the POWER button.

  6. Scroll to the file starting with "FP1-4.4.4-z3ntu“ by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and confirm by pressing the POWER button.

  7. Confirm by scrolling to "Yes“ by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and confirm by pressing the POWER button. The installation of KitKat 4.4.4 should now start, you should get to see the green android with an open belly and an installation log below.

  8. Once completed, the display will return to the recovery. Scroll to "+++++Go Back+++++“ by pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and confirm by pressing the POWER button.

  9. Confirm "reboot system now“ by pressing the POWER button (or scroll there once more pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and then confirm).

  10. Confirm "No“ by pressing the POWER button (or scroll there once more pressing the VOLUME DOWN button and then confirm) in order to keep the new recovery.

  11. Your new Android KitKat 4.4.4 should now boot. :slight_smile: If you run into a bootloop here (“Fairphone powered by Android” and “android” screens keep taking turns), please go back to step 5 and make sure to include step 7a in the following steps.

Feel free to correct the above (please try to not make it even longer).

Side note: In a strict sense, only steps 1 to 4 really differ from z3ntu’s instructions in his original post’s “Installation” first bullet point. Steps 5 to 15 are actually just a more specific and detailed spelling out of his second bullet point.