I got update 6.A.022.1 last night and I installed it this morning. Looks like I have Android 13 now and no issues so far. I’m on KPN Netherlands network.
No update for me with SFR France.
I still have Android 11.
Updated my FP3+ on Lebara (KPN network) to Android 13. All seems to be fine.
On RedBySFR, still waiting for the update as of today.
It’s a bit unfortunate that we don’t get updated information from Fairphone. Don’t get me wrong, I know it may be a lot of work for developers trying to solve these issues.
I just hope we won’t have to wait for something like a few more months or worse that the update will never be deployed for SFR. In this case I might as well change my carrier right now.
Since thé software is released for all the other carriers, why don’t you ask SFR what is wrong ? After all, they are the people blocking the proposed upgrade.
Well we don’t know for a fact that their approval is what is blocking the whole thing.
It may also be continuing work by Fairphone to try and fix potential software issues associated with this carrier.
Until now I had a primary SIM card on SFR network and a secondary that I didn’t use for data that was on Free Mobile network.
I recently changed my secondary to SFR network (with the aim to use some of the data plan on it) and I’ll move my primary to Orange network (with the aim to sometime use data on it).
If I understand well, I’ll be invited to upgrade to Android 13 as soon as I will turn on the data on the primary SIM card (= Orange).
Is it dangerous to approve this upgrade, considering that I’ll use mostly the SFR SIM card for data?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
To SFR customers:
I have reached out to Fairphone support and they fixed an issue that was apparently blocking the upgrade to be rolled out for SFR.
I have checked for updates and I am now finally able to do it!
Yes! I confirm it’s available now, going through the upgrade right at this moment.
Updates (a second minor one right after the initial major version change) took place smoothly, thanks Fairphone.
After releasing Android 13 for/on the KPN network in the Netherlands, there seems to be no more security updates for it. The latest available security patch level for the FP 3/3+ is 5th April 2024 and was released on 29th April 2024 but the latest security patch level available for KPN users is 5th december 2023. Not good at all.
I have exactly the same problem. I did not get any more updates since December 5 (6.A.023.1 on FP3/Android 13, KPN NL). No idea why.
I’m also on KPN-NL and my FP3+ is stuck on build 6.A.023.1 as well.
I reported this issue to Fairphone Support 5 days ago and haven’t had a reply yet.
I will report back when I know more.
As far as I understand it is up to KPN who needs to push the new update. I have the same problem. (Simyo = KPN-brand)
The users of Lebara, Youfone and Budget Mobiel will have the same problem. It is also interesting that KPN even sells the FP4 and the FP5 in it’s own webshop as does Simyo,. Maybe KPN dropped support for the FP3/3+ because they don’t sell them anymore?
I finally received an FP3/FP3+ update today. First update 6.A.025.0 directly followed by 6.A.028.1. Apparently they are not cumulative.
So KPN-NL still supports the FP3, but they take there time validating these updates for their network.
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