Access Point Name settings are not available for this user

Hi guys,

I have searched the forum before creating this, and I saw there were people with similar issues, but I still couldn’t fix the problem with my mobile data. I am hoping someone can help.

I have Fairphone 5, OS is Android 13.

I am in UK and use Lycamobile as my mobile provider. Lycamobile is my second SIM and I use it as eSIM.

The following happened after I downloaded the eSIM - I set up everything as instructed by my provider and everything was working fine for a couple of weeks. After that, mobile internet stopped working with Lyca (the internet on physical SIM has worked and still works fine).

I called Lyca’s customer support multiple times, but they were not able to help - they were instructing me to change APN settings or reset them to default. Neither worked. You can access the APN setting and type APN name, password etc. but the changes are never saved. The initial screen with APN settings kept showing “Access Point Name settings are not available for this user”. It didn’t help to change the “reset to default” (reset the APN) or resetting phone (including factory reset).

I came to the conclusion my eSIM must be corrupt or something, so I decided to erase it, get a new one (stil with Lycamobile). I got new eSIM, transferred my old number and everything was working once again. -THIS ONLY LASTED about two weeks. Now I’m on square one again. Internet is not working for Lyca and APN setting seems to be deleted with no possibility to save new ones.

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Its not saved automatically you have to click on the three dots and on save…

Hi yvmuelli, thank you for your reply. I have done exactly what you’re saying. I click the three dots, then the option “save” appears, I tap save, but it changes anything. When I later go back I still have the message that the APN settings are not available (and what’ve have saved is not there either)

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Did you try to add a new one using the + sign and then probably even delete the old one?

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I do it via the plus symbol, but the old APN setting is not there (already before I add anything). In other words - there’s nothing to delete

So there is no APN at all? Sorry it seems you mentioned that already and I did not understand.

So what are the network settings: 5G enabled? VoLTE/4G Calling enabled? Wifi Calling enabled? Can you disable all this?

Can you disable or even take out the physical SIM and see what happens?

Yes, no APN details are visible. You can click on the three dots and change them, but they never get saved (after tapping “save”).

I’m trying to attach the screen for APN settings (hopefully it gets sent).

I tried disabling everything you said, but it doesn’t work. Then I disabled it and restarted the phone, but still no change

You cant change what does not exist the only that should work in your case is adding a new one using the +

This is how it should look when an APN exist

Thats def weird and I would say a provider issue…

When you tap + you can change stuff, but it doesn’t get saved. I did delete SIM previously and a got new one. Everything worked fine for about two weeks, untill the APN details disappeared again

I understood. What about

Still in my eyes a more than weird provider issue as it happened twice.

@michal_s did you find a solution for this in the end?

I have just bought a new Fairphone 5, installed a Lyca e-sim and came across the exact same issue as you.

Same message in the APN settings “Access Point Name Settings are not available for this user”

An same issue that when I click “save” after filling out the APN requirements, it doesn’t actually save.

Hoping someone has found a solution to this!

Carrier configs automatically loaded for a MCC/MNC can block editing APN config.
The best option is to switch to an OS which ignores such silly restrictions.

Well adding a new APN is probably the first step before changing OS and contact to the provider who blocks the config

Hi and welcome, please contact your provider and FP support if all the above does not help/work.