8 Tips To Keep Your Phone Running Like New

Originally published at: 8 Tips To Keep Your Phone Running Like New - Fairphone

We’re halfway through Longevity Month, and we thought this would be the ideal time to drop some knowledge on how to make your phone last longer. Not just Fairphones, but any device. Of course, there are a few tips here or there that only apply to Fairphones, since we’re (still) the only ones making modular phones that are easy to repair at home. Taking apart your iPhone or Samsung for a deep clean could lead to a voided warranty and, possibly, a dead phone. Having said that, a lot of these tips work across smartphone brands and models. A little TLC goes a long way in keeping your phone running like the day you bought it. Who doesn’t need a little pampering from time to time?

KEEP IT CLEAN: This is, by far, the most straightforward thing you can do for your smartphone. Make sure you wipe it down inside and out from time to time to avoid dust build-up, which can interfere with your phone’s performance. Fairphone users can take it one step further and disassemble the phone completely to make sure it is squeaky clean. When dust and dirt builds up on the display, inside the ports and around the speakers, it can interfere with touchscreen responsiveness to charging speed to overall sound quality.

STAY UPDATED: Always ensure your smartphone’s operating system and apps are up-to-date. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that help with overall performance, stability and security.

TREAT YOUR BATTERY RIGHT: Going full power with your battery might seem like the ideal setting, especially if you have access to a charging point at all times. But it might not be that great for your battery in the long run. Adjust your device settings to optimize your battery usage. This can range from dimming your screen brightness, using battery-saving modes, and closing background apps from time to time

CHARGE YOUR BATTERY RIGHT: How you charge your battery is just as important as how you use it. Most phones today have an automatic cut-off when the battery reaches 100%. Hence, leaving your phone to charge overnight might not be as damaging as it used to be ten years ago. However, batteries tend to last longer if they stay between 20% and 80% of its capacity. And if you are leaving it to charge overnight, using a slower charger will help reduce heat build-up around the battery, thereby prolonging its life.

DOES IT SPARK JOY?: Make it a habit to do app inventory checks from time to time and delete apps you aren’t using. Similarly, back up your data off your smartphone from time to time, so that you can clear up space on your phone’s storage. The more apps and files your phone has, the harder your phone has to work. Eventually, much like humans, phones can also burn out from working too hard!

EMPTY THOSE CACHES: Sometimes, all it takes is a simple cookie and cache clean-up to speed up your phone. Make sure to clear these out from time to time, so that your device isn’t bogged down by data from a website you visited a year ago.

NOT TOO HOT, NOT TOO COLD : Again, much like humans, smartphones and their batteries do not thrive in extreme hot or cold conditions. Avoid leaving your phone in direct sunlight or out in the freezing winter.

TIME TO SUIT UP: Accidents happen. Your phone might slip out of your hand when you pick it up. Or it might fall out of your pocket when you’re on your bike. Your dog might decide they want to take a selfie all by themselves. That’s why it is important to invest in accessories designed to keep your phone safe. A durable protective case is perfect to cushion your phone from a nasty fall. And a high-quality screen protector can make sure your display doesn’t get any unwanted scratches and stays protected. Fortunately, for Fairphone users, we make the best protective phone cases and screen protectors for our devices!


My only gripe is that the phone case from fairphone is not fit for purpose. It needed a slight lip past the phone to protect the screen from falls.
I want my phone to last but after a near miss which has cost me a new screen protector, I’ve had to go for a non fairphone solution for a case.
For a company saying they want the phone to last there don’t seem to have any reasonably rugged cases available from ethical providers.
Key things I would like in a case - a lip above the screen, a case with ridges, hook or socket to make it easier to hold.
NB I have a disability which means I drop my phone regardless how careful I am. So maybe look at this as an accessibility issue.

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Hello and welcome.
You’re right , please feel free to check the following thread for alternatives Fairphone 5 Protective Case - needed/Alternatives?

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Is it possible to cap the load capacity at 80%? (I use a Fairphone 4) Other smartphones already have this option.
And on the subject of slow charging overnight: is there somewhere I can set whether my charger charges slowly or quickly? Sometimes I get the message that it is charging quickly, sometimes slowly. I use the Fairphone Dual-port 30W charger.

Do you mean, stop charging at 80% of the battery capacity? That’s new in FP5 I think.
And yes, there’s a choice to limit to slow charging in FP5 as well.
Fast charging is when you don’t limit to slow charging, and when your charger supports it, and when your connection is good (if you’re on your ‘good’ charger and it still shows charging slowly (after more than a few seconds), I’d unplug and restart charging (or clean out the port) because you seem to have a bad connection.

Thank you for your quick reply. So, I guess I would need to get a FP5? :wink:
Have you thought about some kind of recycling / take-back program for older/used Fairphones? That would suit your attitude well, I think.

Recycling | Fairphone

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Surely DON’T UPDATE: Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that cause your phone to randomly reboot! Downgrading if you find this particularly affects you is impossible, because for Android security matters more than your phone actually working! Thus we stay on insecure older versions…

We? You probably. I dont, I always update and never had serious issues or reboots due to updates. No clue what you want to achive with such a comment.


I guess there might have been a misunderstanding here. This option of reducing charging has been introduced for stock android for F5. As far I understood, it has been limited to custom ROMS for older fairphones.
Howewer, it is not seen as a reason to swap a phone, only a battery perhaps.

I only have experience with FP5, I chose slow charging and it is displayed on the screen when charging.


Mostly, trying to reverse the effect of this (IMHO) dangerous, badly-timed post. Posting something strongly encouraging updates when they are still fighting really quite serious, widely-reported regressions in those very same updates without so much as a hint that, say, the updates they are encouraging might well cause your phone to reboot every couple of hours is downright irresponsible IMHO.

If anything the whole update stream should have been paused and people no longer offered updates to Android 13 on FP4 until such time as they had a fix for bugs this serious.

I dont see anything serious in the updates (as there are workarounds) and consider no updates more serious

There are workarounds? This very forum is filled with people reporting that the workarounds only reduce the frequency of reboots (to, uh, several times a day). There are partial workarounds. The result with the workarounds in place appears to still be significantly worse than Android 12 was. (I can’t tell for sure, because obviously I don’t dare upgrade.)

Well then thats your decision and still a bad advise to not update any more, as this means outdated security updates without knowing you would even be hit by one of the bugs, as those def do not affect all user.


Is the ability to set 80% as maximum ever coming to the FP4?

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That entirely depends on whether you consider denial of service to be worse than whatever was fixed in recent Android security bulletins. Note, you can only make this decision once, and cannot undo it – so sheer caution pulls me towards the side of this equation which lets me change my mind later. Which means not upgrading yet.

I thought this had long be known NOT to save battery. Here is a link to just one of many articles on the subject:

Also, why does the FP5 implementation of Android not include Adaptive Battery? It includes Battery Manager but that only detects high-drain apps, rather than adaptively managing all apps.