1IPC/x/y/z on batteries and similar FP2 batteries

On the Fairphone batteries there is a small line with IPC. On the different FP2 versions there are different sizes mentioned, though both have the same size. Don’t trust this numbers totally. As far as I know that means:

Version FP2-BAT01: 1icp6/44/62
Version FP2BAT02: 1ICP6/42/61
Measured; 65,5mm x 45mm x 6mm

1: It is one cell, 3,6V nominal voltage; some batteries for cameras have 2 cells in line, 7,2V
ICP: Integrated Circuit Protection, the integrated electronics protects the cell(s) from overcharging (I guess, does anyone know for sure?)
6/44/62: the size of the 3 dimensions in mm

Even the fairbuds have the line with IPC on the battery of the charging station.

You can try to search for similar batteries with e.g. “battery ipc x/y/z” on different shops.

Maybe FP wrote different sizes on the FP2 batteries since the electronics and package (the sticker with the written details) are added and once they used the size of the naked cell.

For the FP2 I found a nearly similar battery with a different connector:

A battery with different polarity:

This is a followup to the FP meeting in Hamburg: 🇩🇪 18. April | MeetFairbuds 🎧 Treffen in Hamburg für alle Fairphoner*innen - #722 by nudge

If this is about finding replacement batteries for the FP2 then I’m interested but not very hopeful. The last supplier I was aware of, was Electropapa, selling the BW800118124 manufactured by vhbw

I still see stores like this where you can actually order it but I’m pretty sure this is just a catalogue that’s not been updated.
The reference no longer appears on the EP site, nor on vhbw.

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I keep one FP2 as a replacement phone in case my FP3 breaks down. If a new battery would be available for a reasonable price I would probably buy one.

There are Batteries available on Amazon, however someone tried and they last 3 hours only… Some say better than 0…:wink:

I have 5 used Batteries and I guess all would survive more than 3 hours…want one or 2?


Electropapa BW800118124 is still accessible on ebay, but it’s expired. I tried 2pcs and both inflated after a few charges. Fotrunately it was refunded.

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