Your HELP is much appreciated ! Please kindly take part in my master thesis survey about how YOU think Fairphone influences consumers. Thanks a lot!

Dear Fairphone-Community,

My name is Qiong, and I am a master student in Delft University of Technology. I am doing my graduation project about corporate sustainability leadership on material management in electronic industry and I am taking Fairphone as a case study. The aim of this questionnaire is to get an idea on how YOU as a consumer perceive Fairphone in leading material sustainability transition in electronic industry and how YOU think Fairphone influences consumers.

Here is the link of my survey:
The survey contains 45 multiple-choice questions. If you do not know one question, you can skip it and go to the next question. Thus you can answer the questions that you know

If you have any suggestion about the questionnaire, please kindly reply under this post or contact me via email:

Thank you very much!!! Wish you all have a great day!:grinning:

Best regards,


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I am not a survey or statistics expert, but wouldnt you actually be able to make use of two addtl answers at least, allowing the user to tell you “i dont know” and “i dont care” to your questions? would give be better options to some of your questions. or would it even be more precise for the statistics? good luck with your thesis. cheers.

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There is only one correct answer: The one that contains “fair”. :wink:

Hello abittner, thanks very much for your advice. I followed a methodology to create this questionnaire. But I will consider your suggestion into the discussion part of the results. I think it is a good point for me to clarify in the thesis. :slight_smile:

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Hello Stefan, thanks to participate in my survey. Wish you have a nice weekend!:grin:

I agree with @abittner. There were a few questions I didn’t understand, so I answered “C sometimes”.

Also the answers should be “I don’t agree at all” … “I agree strongly”. Almost no question is about frequency.

Hello @paulakreuzer thank you very much for your advice. I was thinking about the options of “I do not agree at all” …“I strongly agree” before I finalized the survey. The reason I choose frequency is that leadership style is closely relevant to how frequent the leader exert his influence, which is also part of the methodology I followed. I think I should explain more clear in the introduction part as well as each question. I really appreciate your opinion. I get inspiration from @abittner and you on how to improve the methodology and will discuss them in my thesis. :blush:

Hi Quiong,

I noticed you do not any socio-demographic question (gender, age, nationality, fairphone ownership). So I wonder: how are you going to describe your sample?

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Hello @morgenstern, thanks for your advice. In my thesis, I generalize the survey sample as Fairphone (potential) consumers who could be influenced by Fairphone. And the result of the survey is used to explore how Fairphone currently exerts their influence on consumers as general. :blush:

Hi @Qiong . I think another important topic is how “fairphone’s consumer” can influence other people around them

I think it would be very important to know who has a FP already (and possibly which model) and who has not. To see if there is any specific difference between actual consumers and potential consumers.
I also think it could still be useful to know at least some basic personal data such as gender and age to be able to discriminate potential differences with different kinds of costumers.

Anyway I would be curious to know the results of your questionnaire!

Hello @Agno, I think it is an interesting topic: peer influence of sustainable consumption :grin: Although it is out of my thesis scope, it is really a very nice perspective.

Hello @morgenstern, I would love to share the results of questionnaire after I get all the responses. And next time, I will consider adding basic personal data into the questionnaire. Thank you for your advice and explanation. :+1:

Just answered the questions, wish you a good luck with your study!

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hi Qiong, I just finished the quetionnaire and read your answers to questions and suggestions. As you explain your goal is to investigate Fairphones influence on consumers. My feeling with quite a number of questions was that my personal motivation, which I had before Fairphone existed, is missing in your questionaire. Fairphone supports/ facilitates my personal sustainable goals/convictions. So questions about Fairphone promoting me to think and do more in sustainalizing production chains are difficult to answer, as Fairphone doesn’t need to convince or influence me about sustainable production chains, as I strongly support their mission. Which will be the case with a lot of owners of a Fairphone.
Good luck with your thesis!

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Hi Qiong; I have completed the study but I don’t think you will be able to conclude much from the results. My advice would be to pause the questionnaire, reformulate the questions and then try again, over the course of a few weeks , to get a statistically useful number of responses from Fairphone owners here in the forum.

Some suggestions to consider changing

  • there are too many questions that are impossible for me to answer (e.g. how do I know the internal view of Fairphone on certain topics?)
  • there are too many similar questions (it was frustrating to complete)

I would be curious to know if you are comparing the responses of the hardcore Fairphone fans (forum members) to other people that may have not heard of Fairphone (your fellow students at Delft, for example); or if the only people you are asking to complete the survey are forum members. If you are making assumptions about those completing your survey (eg. attitude towards fairphone or sustainability), probably best to check those assumptions with some initial questions.

Is there a hypothesis you are testing with this survey or are you just casting a wide net? It’s probably better to test a particular hypothesis and design a shorter survey around that.

Best of luck with the studies.

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Hi @Herm56, Thanks very much! this is a good point. I will take it into account in the results discussion part. I developed questions based on the original leadership theory and methodology. Thus, there are gaps between theory and practice, which I will regard those gaps as the limitations of my study. I really appreciate your feedback.:slight_smile:

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Hi @edanto, thanks for your advices. The results of questionnaire are used to 1) figure out which leadership style Fairphone is performing to influence consumers (45 questions refers to nine factors of three leadership styles, which is part of the original leadership theory and methodology); 2) compare the perception of consumers and Fairphone, thus identify the gaps (I already asked Fairphone staff to finish almost same questionnaire, but from Fairphone’s perspective).Therefore, by identifying the gaps and current leadership style of Fairphone, I will develop some new strategies to deliver sustainability notions and messages, expand consumer influence etc…

In my thesis, I regard consumers as an entirety, one of the key stakeholders for Fairphone. Thus, I will not further explore the difference between different consumers. Meanwhile, I also investigate how Fairphone influence suppliers and improve with suppliers in the value chain.

Thanks again for your critical review of the questionnaire. It is nice to get feedbacks so that I could objectively evaluate this questionnaire and methodology in my thesis. :slight_smile:

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Social scientists often include similar questions to rule out the case that a person simply checks every 1st checkbox. A question might be there twice, but once it is given in reverse. Researchers can then filter out the irrelevant questionnaires.

For example yes/no questions:

is it good?

:ballot_box_with_check: yes :white_circle: no

is it bad?

:ballot_box_with_check: yes :white_circle: no

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Hello @Stefan, thanks for explanation. :grin:

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