Xposed Framwork nor working on Fairphone Open 19.11.2

Hi there,
I tried to install the Xposed framework as a magisk module but it is not working.
I also tried a reboot and softreboot as mentioned here:

Here is the log file:

09-11 15:50:25.499 I/Xposed ( 4493): -----------------
09-11 15:50:25.499 I/Xposed ( 4493): Starting Xposed version 89, compiled for SDK 25
09-11 15:50:25.499 I/Xposed ( 4493): Device: FP2 (Fairphone), Android version 7.1.2 (SDK 25)
09-11 15:50:25.499 I/Xposed ( 4493): ROM: fp2_sibon-userdebug 7.1.2 19.11.2 sibon-24df0be9
09-11 15:50:25.499 I/Xposed ( 4493): Build fingerprint: Fairphone/FP2/FP2:7.1.2/19.11.2/sibon-24df0be9:userdebug/release-keys
09-11 15:50:25.499 I/Xposed ( 4493): Platform: armeabi-v7a, 32-bit binary, system server: yes
09-11 15:50:25.499 I/Xposed ( 4493): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
09-11 15:50:25.649 I/Xposed ( 4493): -----------------
09-11 15:50:25.649 E/Xposed ( 4493): ERROR: Could not access Xposed jar β€˜/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar’

Screenshot of the app:

Thanks in advance!

The file XposedBridge.jar was missing. I took the file from the unzipped xposed installer and copied it there - now it works.

Note to self: read logs and use common sense before you ask for help :sweat_smile:


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