Will they sell 15000? [They did]

Thanks for the offer :grin:

We know there are issues that need improving on our site and shop. Weā€™ve got digital creative partners to help in this area, but we move so quickly itā€™s sometimes hard for all of us to keep up.

Weā€™re producing phones on a continuous basis! We talk about in our blog on our 15,000 goal.

ā€œTo order the necessary components to assemble the first phones and to generate the income required to ensure continuous production, weā€™ve set a lofty goal: We want to sell 15,000 phones by the end of September.ā€

But it seems like the question is - how many phones can be made per month? That I donā€™t know myself. Hopefully we can answer it in a future blog.

Hey @joekafka. Iā€™m the Online Communications Manager, formerly Community Manager, and Iā€™ve still got a big community heart and am on the forum quite a bit. Last week I was on holiday when this discussion was going on. So Iā€™m here now! :wink:

I understand that people want updates, and weā€™re working on that. Sometimes the speed of the Internet where people want answers in hours or days is too fast for me to keep up with (yes for now itā€™s just me, no big online/social media team!).

Thanks for the suggestions. Iā€™ll definitely pass them on to the new CM who we will introduce very soon! (He is not employed by Fairphone now so it is a bit premature to ask him to come in and introduce himself)

I understand that some people want more ā€œmicro-blogsā€ or daily updates. Weā€™ve been thinking about it for a long time now, but still trying to find the right system to tell our stories across the whole company. You can imagine itā€™s quite some work to liaison with different teams (software, mineral sourcing, fair working conditions, e-waste, support team, operations, etc), and turn their daily/weekly work into just a tweet or paragraph size response.

Further, I personally worry that things at Fairphone change so much that it will be confusing for readers if they see one update this week and a contradicting update the next week - or if they miss one week of news. Iā€™ll work with the new CM to think how to update the forum more, which I think is a good place for those hardcore fans who want keep up with our weekly news.

For our latest update on Fairphone news, check out this post: