Will the FP3 get the "Blue Angel" ("Blauer Engel") certificate?

I’m exited whether the Fairphone 3 will get the “Blue Angel” certificate or not, because the FP2 had one in it’s earlier times. Maybe Fairphone is already working on/waiting for the certification and I be not in the know about it, but at least I haven’t seen any post in this forum about it.

You can find the criteria for the certification here:

https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/criteriafile/de/DE-UZ%20106-201707-de%20Kriterien.pdf (german)
https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/criteriafile/en/DE-UZ%20106-201707-en%20Criteria.pdf (english).



At first sight the “Blauer Engel” seal might seem desirable. But let us just ask ourselves: Would Fairphone sell more phones because of a “Blauer Engel” sticker? I don’t think so.

People who are interested in buying a Fairphone already want a fairer and more sustainable phone that can be easily repaired. And most of the others do not care anyway.

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I think for corporate or bussiness customers it’s indeed an important thing to have as an electronic device.


Corporate or business customers would never go with an OEM as small as Fairphone. It’s Apple or Samsung (maybe Lenovo).

Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re referring to here. I assume @Singulus means business customers as addressed e.g. here: Good for your business & for the business of doing good


Don’t forget, that there are lots of companies out there, not just big or global ones.
And some of them are themselves active in the field of ecological / sustainable / fair business.
For them a Fairphone could be an interesting product and a statement.

Even some bigger companies could go for a Fairphone as an option in their company portfolio of phones.

Or as the saying goes: Never say never :wink:


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