If you had read my post above you’d know that “have taken the OS for a spin”. I don’t remember that I can swipe from the left to go one level above. I also went through the tutorial you mention. It’s no reason to become offensive.
I’d possibly run Sailfish OS, if it were available on my FP1.
I’ve never used Sailfish. I don’t even own an FP2. (But I’d like to try Ubuntu Touch in the future.)
But you’re all painting Android more black than it is.
Yes, the development model of throwing finished releases out of the window and not really listening to users and the license which gives hardware vendors way too much permissions and the tightly integration with Google’s services are bad.
But Android is free software.
Even if your phone shows you a black screen - you can access it via adb and fix the broken setting which prevents the UI from starting. This is possible with Android.
Granted, there are times when I’m wishing to have access to the usual GNU/Linux(/freedesktop) utilities. udisks instead of vold, wayland instead of surfaceflinger and so on.
But I fear that this won’t work very well on the weak hardware.
And Android has a mostly different ecosystem.
(And using command line utilities with a virtual keyboard on touch screen is not that easy.)
Sailfish OS uses Wayland and Ubuntu Touch uses Mir. We discussed this in https://matrix.to/#/#mer:disroot.org two days ago and read myself into it a bit.
Yes. They don’t want to say it loud, but the SailfishOS will remain a community Port on Fairphone 2.
Well. At the moment i’m happy, but i will buy another (more powerfull) Phone, when it comes out official with Sailfish.
Every story has an end. I don’t believe any more that Fairphone will release an official SailfishOS on the FP2.
In the beginning it was very welcome, that so many people bought FP2 in the Hope, they will get official SailfishOS on it. But now, i think Fairphone don’t need this few thousand people any more. They sold more FP2, than they could produce.
Well i can understand this decision. Business as usual. But what i find not so good is a lack of communication.
Since 1 Year we hear: Wait guys, we try it, we will do our best. There is no concrete communicataion.
And this is s.it IMHO.
I was very happy to be a part of Fairphone community, but without SailfishOS - FP2 has no value for me.
Its a good modular Smartphone. Its open, but it still an Android smartphone.
I hope, Mal- will still support the port. I will use it as long, as a better supported phone with better HW will come out with SailfishOS…
yeah… these are exactly my thoughts… hopefully Jolla will announce something new at MWC, and then i will have to say goodbye to FP =(
but it’s really sad that they are supporting environment, but not the mobile environment=(
Same here. I think that SailfishOS is the best OS that i can use on the Fairphone2. And yes i use ssh, rsync, and many other connection options and commands from my linux pc to my Fairphone2 with SailfishOS (and with my SailfishOS Tablet …).
This is not possible with Android.
With SailfisOS it also is possible to add additional kernel modules by compiling them and enhance the OS by itself (e.g. smb, nfs, dmcrypt, …) this is not possible with any Android system.
Having the same ‘real’ open linux system (and the kernel part of SailfishOS is open source) make it possible to use the above listed features and commands regardless from where you come and where you go.
So i also hope that mal will port SailfishOS as long as Fairphone support the Fairphone2 hardware :-).
If not, i have to look for an other phone :-(.
The main problem is, that i cannot advice the phone to friends as long as there is no official support of the SailfishOS (my friends are not able to help themselves flashing an other OS to the phone).
I see the problem Fairphone have to support to support an additional OS with only four developer, but it should be possible to work together with Jolla to get SailfishOS supported on this phone.
Well. They (Fairphone) can’t work together with Jolla, but they can acquire a Licence for SailfishOS like Turing Robotics and Intex did. Fairphone 2 would be an official SailfishOS Device with all commercial components. Jolla will deliver Software Updates, but Fairphone will need to approve them and offer Support for the customers.
Now i understand, that they never will do it.
They sold too many phones. At the moment its a big Problem.
Fairphone 2 is selling very good without SailfishOS. They don’t want to focus on geeks, who need Sailfish. They focus on eco-customers.
Well, thats ok. But not for our small community. We are only few thousands. Thats not enough to change something.
At the moment we have a very good SailfishOS Community Port (Thanks, Mal-)
FP2 and OnePlusX are the best SF Ports IMHO.
Lets make it together better and wait for new devices.
Unfortunately that will be not from Fairphone
I think this is not a problem. If someone is not able to flash an OS, they wouldn’t make use of all the commands either. So Android is perfectly sufficient for them…
I don’t agree with this point of view. I think there are some other serious advantages of using SF as operating system for FP2:
Performance of SF feels better than Android-derivats. I think this dues to efficiency of Wayland
I compared the battery drain of FP Open and SF in a few situations and in every situation it was higher in FP Open. This should be a serious issue because of the relative weak battery
From an economic point of view supporting Google means supporting not fair hardware production. I think this is evident because of the quasi-monopoly of Android (active support by providing data for Google [see FM Radio] and passive support by not supporting an smaller and less powerful company like Jolla or Ubuntu Touch)
Although an officially supported SF would be desireable, i’m pretty satisfied with the ported SF and - long term support of ported SF assumed - the current situation is absolutely sufficient for me (yes, thanks Mal-)
With the same argument only a fraction of the people is using FP Open OS, right? So, almost every Fairphone runs an operating systems that aims to spy on its user and has the capabilities to do so. This might sound harsh, but what else is Google’s business model? Also don’t forget the inability to update to the newest version already after a little more than two years (also see post of @pat_512).
In my opinion this does not comply with the goals of Fairphone: neither is this creating a positive social impact nor is this a long-lasting design (FP Goals). This is the main reason why we want alternatives!
I think people don’t really get Sailfish OS right. It is not a geeky tool to play around, which might be the impression, because this are the only people who can use it on the FP right now. It is an operating system that is based on completely different values: “we want people to have the freedom of choice, be it about code, content or personal privacy” (SFOS Goals).
I can understand that it is not an easy task to support this additional operating system and I don’t expect them to do so right now, but what I expect are some official statements about the above considerations. Are there any plans to support an alternative operating system in the future? What is the current status? The communication is actually my biggest disappointment. Again, “But together with our community, we’re building a movement to show the demand for fair products.” (FP Goals). Then please do so!
Are there any official statements like this? If not, where there any attempts yet to get an official statement?
With the same argument only a fraction of the people is using FP Open OS, right? So, almost every Fairphone runs an operating systems that aims to spy on its user and has the capabilities to do so. This might sound harsh, but what else is Google’s business model?
Correct! That’s the trade off we discussed in a lengthy topic here:
The project is still also about fairer electronics production and to reach that goal Fairphone tries to offer a phone to the broad mass that is accustomed to Android + Google Anti Services.
Sorry Stefan,
Android neither is a perfect solution - nor iOS is it.
I think SailfishOS is mostly community driven. There are some closed source parts, but the main part is open source (kernel, …). So it is possible to take influence what comes into the next version (e.g. support of kernel modules, commands, …). I did not say every wish come true, but the community enhance the open source part, jolly could easily put it into the next version (e.g. arm64 Bit is community driven).
Building an UI on to of the existing kernel and command line base is not to sophisticated and at the jolly store and warehouse there are many solutions.
So using cifs or nfs mount or rsync with an UI is possible (and in case of cifs and nfs already existing).
This enhancements are not possible with other OSes like Android or iOS (also not at the opensource Android from Fairphone).
The question is, what have priority in using a phone.
The Fairphone Hardware is the best we can get at the moment if human working conditions and fairness is the point of view.
In my opinion SailfishOS is the best mobile OS at the moment if security, enhancement and a statement against the acquisitiveness of the big mobile OS player is the point of view.
This is a very difficult decision. But living in a country where SS and SED controlling people in the past, the second point scale more - regardless who is collecting private information government or companies.
If you want to use Android apps in full scope you are always depending on Google. They decide the way Android goes - and if you take a look at myaccount.google.com with a google enabled phone you have a small insight the way they go.
And if you now say ‘Why not use the google free version?’ Most apps (e.g. timetable from Deutsche Bahn and local area Trains, …) are only available with a google account, and it is not easy to get this apps on a google free Android by ‘normal’ phone users.
So it is very difficult to explain non technical people why to use a google free version (i tried it many times with less success).
So my decision is never give a recommendation to use an Android phone (the same count for iOS of course).
I use Linux from very early days (my first installed version was 0.11 Linus put on a FTP server at Finland) and my home and work place have linux since debian 3.0 (before i use OS/2 - not Windows).
So i have a little gain insight this OS and big respect to the communities (and also Jolly) and there decisions to leave my private data on my devices.
And if you ask ‘Did you checked this statement?’ Yes i’ve always take a look on my network traffic :-).
And if you now say ‘Why not use the google free version?’ Most apps (e.g. timetable from Deutsche Bahn and local area Trains, …) are only available with a google account, and it is not easy to get this apps on a google free Android by ‘normal’ phone users.
Well, then SailfishOS will not be of much help as there is no official DB app for Sailfish either. While it would love official SailfishOS, a Google-free Open OS is not worse in that regard at least.