Wiki -> week? and the missing characters to make the topic work

I have always thought that it could be nice to make wiki posts a bit easier to find but I kinda learnt to navigate that.
but somehow today the tag changed into week.
I don’t want to tinker with it, not to do any more damage, but - is it a glitch?

Perhaps you could elaborate a bit …

Easier than what?
Example: Click/tap on the search icon - enter “wiki” - click/tap on the suggested wiki tag?

Seemingly it’s wiki now and there’s no #week tag. What did you do or see?

hi, and thanks

Example: Click/tap on the search icon - enter “wiki” - click/tap on the suggested wiki tag?

yes, this is the path I am usually taking. What I thought was to have it highlighted like with other categories, but it was never too important so I have never decided to raise it.
Just a reoccurring thought seeing how much valuable stuff is there and sometimes gets unnoticed


Seemingly it’s wiki now and there’s no #week tag. What did you do or see?

I think it was a glitch because it all changed back now

So just to give you the idea what I have seen - all the words wiki were changed into week.

The topic is obviously solved :slight_smile:

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Hmmm … Some kind of translation thing going on in the browser perhaps?
“Wiki” would be Maori for “week”, for instance. Wouldn’t explain why nothing else got translated then, though.

Any experiment taking place, leomakkinje :wink: ?


yes, @AnotherElk, you are absolutely right, Google Translate plays games with my mind

I use the Chrome for easier translation of foreign-language topics, and when I go back to the main forum site, the browser seems to assume ‘wiki’ to be a foreign word

I can reproduce that again. You can see below that some German language topics are being translated.


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