Since I switched to Android 9 on my Fairphone 2, wifi disconects every 2-3 minutes. Thus happens on every wifi hotspot I connect, so this is definively linked to m’y FP2.
This default makes browsing awful, please help, could not find any solution anywhere
Please have a look here:
21.05.0-rel3, the very last one I guess.
What happened ? Well, I don’t know … Any wifi connections fails after 2-3 minutes, making browsing awful
Thanks for any tip
… And by the way, the solution you point out is not relevant : IT was an old problem that made FP2 loose known wifi connections, for which turning plane mode on was a workaround.
In my case, the wifi connection is lost for, and reconnects several tenths of seconds later, and so on, every 2-3 minutes … Awful experience …
Using a non FP on same wifi connection does not show any problem
It could be a coincidence with your FP2 antenna. Does WiFi disconnect when data is transferred? Is the connection stable when no data is transferred?
Thanks for your answers …
Well, the connections breaks down while I browse web sites mainly, so yes, when data is transfered.
What do you mean by “coïncidence with your FP2 antenna” please ?
I’ve never had such problems before.
A broken antenna cable:
OK, but this talks about a broken antenna, so wifi do not working at all right ?
In my case, WiFi works, then disconnects, reconnects … And so on …
The cable doesn’t need to be broken, the antenna connector(s) could be a little loose, which could result in bad or flaky reception (had this myself once).
OK but I also have disconnections un data ode (3G/4G): is it the same antenna ? Or at least same connector ?
Sorry for bad text above : read "data mode 3G/4G …
I think so. If you have issues with 3G/4G as well, it might be a good indicator for an antenna that probably is no longer firmly in place.
You could have a look at this post, maybe it helps:
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