Why can't I send emails? word

my phone has stopped sending emails. I have an aol account and it won’t recognise or accept my password

Maybe AOL now uses encryption like SSL or the SMTP authentification changed. and you have to change the server settings. Have a look at their website to find the right settings.

I have just checked the aol website as you suggest. It suggests I delete the while email setting - how on earth do I do that? I am a total novice at this. Go into setting but there is no delete icon or anything and nothing to tell me how to delete!

It depends on which email app you use, but if you use the default email app, go to
All apps --> settings --> accounts
and there you may find email accounts as well (exchange, or IMAP).

You guys are so kind. I have already been to settings and Account and that is when I get the message saying password or username incorrect and I can’t change it.

I have followed the advice of someone on here and checked the aol website. That suggested that I delete the account, but I haven’t a clue how to do that. No idea at all. Any ideas? Yours hopefully

Catherine Grace

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