White looks pink Fairphone5

Good morning, while I was using my Fairphone 5 (purchased in November 2023 and therefore still under official warranty) suddenly a week ago the white backgrounds became pink, I wrote to support but to date no response, I wrote via email and opened two reports via site and directly from your phone. I live in Italy and there are no authorized Fairphone centers nearby. Please help me.

Buongiorno Mario
I would love to get some more information regarding this -
Can you try recording your screen (you can find how to here, the screen recorder on FP5 is visible if you edit the top shelf [press the pencil icon])

If you try to look at the screen recording from another screen (laptop or mobile), does it still look pink? If that’s not the case there’s a good chance that the screen connector just came a little loose and you can just try to reattach it manually, otherwise there might be some underlying software issue that we could investigate.

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Btw: you sure not enable some (ex. warm color) options in Settings/Display/VisualEnhancement ?


I also returned the phone to its factory state but nothing, the problem is still there

…or “bed time mode”, it looks the same.

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I noticed something similar, whenever I change my phone wallpaper, the phone adjusts and changes slightly the tone/colour of all the graphics. could that be it?


You’re right, I tried to change the photo on the screen lock and it changed color, now you can’t see pink anymore


Neat! Thank you Meaghan
If you want a different style/color just long press on the home screen and select Wallpaper&Style (Sfondo e Stile in Italian) and change to “Base colors” (Colori di Base)


thank you very much, problem solved

Due to a bug those settings are not available yet for all user.

Edit: should be fixed with this update


good morning, last night I received the update that solved this problem, setting the desired color in the background and lock screen section.


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