Where to buy battery for FP1U in Münster or Berlin?

Hello,as only the price to get send the battery from your online-shop to Germany/ Berlin is around 3/4 of the price of the battery (which makes a final price of nearly 29€!) I would like to know if somebody knows if there is a shop in Münster (where I would stay up to Sunday) or in Berlin, where I could buy the battery for FP1U.Thanks a lot for all type of ideas! Carla

I wish the online-shop was ours, but it isn’t… :wink: The Fairphone forum is led by the community (people like you and me) and you cannot address Fairphone staff directly here.

We are aware of the high shipping costs and therefore the community often organises bulk orders. Maybe you can get in contact with other Fairphoners from your region and split the shipping costs among more than one person. A good place to ask around is also the Facebook group Fairphone Freunde.

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