What's wrong with my fairphone 2?

https://forum.fairphone.com/t/fairphone-2-misbehaving-apps-see-first-post-for-workaround/11721[quote=“thejako, post:1, topic:18281”]

one time I listened to some music via earphones. a friend of mine calls in that moment. I think, well of course I can pick up his call with earphones plugged in. in fact worst decision ever! he said hello with a felt decibel of 120. I was putting down the volume to a minimum. still extremley loud. whats wrong there? no chance to get this to a reasonable volume.

https://forum.fairphone.com/t/minimum-volume-too-loud-when-using-headset/12913[quote=“thejako, post:1, topic:18281”]

OS updates. I figured out how to get the 1.3.6 running but to be honest isn’t that the job of others? I paid for this phone because I thought amongst other things basic thing will work for sure…never been so wrong…

I don’t understand that point. But please use the update, it may solve some of your problems.

Btw: In the top right corner there is a search function. Many problems have already been discussed, and for some there is a workaround or fix available.