What is going on with the forum lately, gateway errors 502 and 504?

@Monica.Ciovica What is going on with the forum lately?

There are hours (seemingly even whole days) of the webserver only giving “502 Bad Gateway” or “504 Gateway Timeout Error”.

Are these planned downtimes to work on something connected to the “larger project Fairphone has initiated aimed at improving the customer journey”, or are these unplanned problems?


Here is a statistic to back that claim:


It was an unplanned problem. I guess we will hear a bit more later.

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Thanks. I was about to list the obvious gaps in the dates of posts in the “Latest” view, but that chart saves me the trouble :slight_smile: .

Hi all,
We have been experiencing some issues with the server lately. The IT team is doing their best to solve them - they did some extra work Saturday to mitigate the issue, but only managed a temporary fix hence the downtime Sunday.
As of today, we’re back on track :crossed_fingers:

Will keep you updated if changes will be made regarding updates/maintenance.


Bad news for those who were up for the “1 year continuous in the forum” :badger: :wink:


If I wouldn’t have noticed once that I have that already I would have had a hard time believing
a) that there would be such a thing.
b) that this would be realistically achievable (normally there should always be something hindering you) :slight_smile: .

Although it could depend on how leniently this is getting calculated.

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