What are defult gallery ,notes and simillar apps

Hi! As my Samsung A71 is close to giving up I’m looking to replace it with a fair phone 4 or 5 that being said I have few questions about the defult apps I heard it uses google photos,which I hate , as the defult gallery app is that true? What if I get one with murena? If so how hard is it to change it (and to what)?

On a simillar note what about the notes app I LOVE THE SAMSUNG NOTES APP unfrotunetlly it’s exclusive to samsung and I have yet to find anything even comparable to it (I write a lot so it’s important to me ) Is there a way to downlad it to a fair phone?

I don’t get it. Can’t you just download other apps from the Play Store?

Welcome to the Community Forum. :wave:

Fairphone ships their phones (btw they no longer offer the FP4) fully Google-certified by default. That means the standard Google apps (like the one you mentioned) are pre-installed and cannot be removed.

However, you are not forced to use the Google apps and can install alternative apps yourself. Murena (and others like Iodé or Calyx) offer Fairphones without the Google baggage pre-installed, so these come with an alternative Android and alternative standards apps pre-installed. It is also possible to install their alternative Android versions (“Custom ROMs”) yourself on a standard Fairphone if you feel well-versed enough.


So I’ve been using a lot of apps by the “Fossify” project. They have you covered with most of those apps you need every day. Don’t expect any AI features or something like this though.

via the (opens source) F-Droid app store (for open source apps):

What’s it you like so much about the Samsung app (this makes naming similar alternatives easier).


unfortunately as far as I know the notes app can’t be downladed on other phones just samsung and for the gallery I heard people had problems when they tired tu uninstall it or use a diffrent camera app to get better photos

It would seem that Samsung Notes can’t be downloaded from the Play Store. Maybe you can find an apk somewhere?