Welcome to a new moderator!

Dear community,

We, the moderators, are happy to announce that we have a new moderator in our group! :wave: :tada:

Please give a warm welcome to @yvmuell who will be joining our moderator team comprising of @Lidwien, @Alex.A, @BertG, @Ingo, @TobiasF and @Volker (see #communitymoderators). We’re very happy to have her as addition to the team to assist in keeping the forum a friendly, welcoming and great place to discuss all things related to Fairphone.

We’d also like to say a huge thank you :blue_heart: to the outgoing moderators, @robbert.f and @Antoine who have very kindly given of their time to grow and assist the community up to this point! Your contribution has been very much appreciated!

@yvmuell, the floor is yours… feel free to say a few words if you wish :slight_smile:

Your moderators


Good choice! :+1:
Bad boys beware … :wink: :female_detective:

Thanks to @Antoine and @robbert.f from me as well. Hope you are staying with the cause. :slight_smile:


Yes OK I’ll have to be :pinching_hand: more careful

All the best Yvonne :slight_smile:


Thanks and good luck @yvmuell !

@urs_lesse of course I’m staying with the cause: I’m still the Angel of Paris and Beta testing the FP4 :wink:


Thanks Volker and all other moderators to inviting me to the team. Thanks to @Antoine and @robbert.f I’m sure you will leave a gap

I will do my best to help to keep the community forum the valued and constructive place it already is.:smiley:

My special thanks goes to @urs_lesse without you and the german facebook group I would not be here :blush: ( and just in case someone needs someone to blame for…:grimacing:)


Stepping in while we’re still hiring our new Social Media and Community Manager. Thank you @robbert.f and @Antoine for everything you’ve done for Fairphone :blue_heart: :sunflower:. Don’t be a stranger and if you ever need anything feel free to reach out to us.

Welcome to @yvmuell I’m sure this wonderful group of moderators has got you covered but, also for you, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or comments you’d like to share with us directly.


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