Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

OK this is… better late than ever!

I am a proud owner of a FP1 First Edition that I love!

I only bought an FP2 because I couldn’t run some applications with the android version of my FP1 (now I can because I upgraded to the inofficial ROM… but too late!)

I live in Switzerland and have a family. I’m not a programmer or developper but an “above average” user which means for me that I can (more or less :grin:) succesfully root my phone and use adb commands following a tutorial.

When I found out about Fairphone it was clear for me that it was the phone for me… everything about it was what I was looking for and I’m very happy to be part of this adventure and this community. I definitely like my FP1 better that my FP2 (materials used, size) but I’ll continue to defend and promote the fairphone concept…

So this is it… :grinning:


Bonjour à vous tous!
Je suis Sophie (Akkronic). J’ai choisi mon FP2 pour des raisons éthiques, comme beaucoup d’entre nous, n’est-ce pas? :smile:
Sinon… ah si je peux vous préciser que je suis pro-linux pour mon ordi (j’en essaie plein), que j’ai aussi une Raspberry Pi, un email Protonmail (probablement un peu par parano) et que je cherche à éviter de passer par Google&cie à tout prix (je n’aime pas qu’on se permette de farfouiller dans mes affaires sans me demander :wink: )
Voili-voilou, au plaisir de vous lire.


Hi @austrogrammar and welcome to the forum. Have you happened to stumble upon the Austrian Fairphoners? We are organizing events regularly, where we talk about our Fairphones and help each other with problems. The next event we will be at (with a proper Fairphone booth btw) is the Südwind Straßenfest. Would be great to see you there, Clemens! :slight_smile:

Finally you have posted here, @evidement! :smiley: Welcome at last! :smiley:

Salut @Akkronic et bienvenue à le Fairphone Forum! :slight_smile: Sorry, if this wasn’t correct French… :blush:

Hi FairPhone users,

my name is Massimo and I am physicist, working in metrology research institute. I started fixing things by myself about one year ago (if fixing Lego constructions counts, or the bathroom’s faucets, then I have more experience to quote 8-), and I soon became the family reference to replace hard drives, mobile phone screens, LCDs, and batteries. Much of this is thanks to the free guides on iFixit and Instructables.com.

To the point: I don’t own a FairPhone yet. I have owned a Motorola Moto G since 2014 and, by principle, I would not replace my mobile phone unless it turns at least two years old. I was considering getting a new phone and an LG G4 would be my hardware/price target, now that the price is below 300€, in Italy. But then I stumble into this FairPhone 2. The phone looks nice, and the possibility to easily replace parts -with the endorsement of iFixit- is very appealing. But I am having difficulties justifying the extra (relative to the G4) 200€-ish. I am not trying to be provocative here, I am only trying to understand the value of these extra 200€, relatively to what I am willing to spend. Will the FairPhone last me much longer?
Not least, I would be of course happier to contribute to a project born in the EU.


Hi and welcome on the forum!

Maybe this can help?


If you just compare money-wise and don’t want to drink the fair kool aid, other phones will work as well. Especially if you focus on software availability (Nexus, for example). But if you see it as a “story-telling-device” (whatever it is, but you get the idea, I guess), like the modular approach (battery, camera, usb-connector/mic are replaceable), and also keep in mind they are going to share the current code really, really soon … it could be a pretty cool phone with just a few minor issues that could last really long. But if you are a power user and you really need raw CPU power and the lastest Exmor camera improvements from Sony & Co (Sony IMX318), keep in mind that it’s based on an older Snapdragon.

My suggestion: Read the cost breakdown carefully, read the forum and ask your questions!

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Thank you @fp1_wo_sw_updates , and thanks also to @danielsjohan for the link provided. I did visit the price breakdown page, and it is clear how the many aspects of making a final product were given proper credit.
One does think, a this point, and I certainly do so, what portions of this price breakdown are not being credited for when one purchases a Korean, or a Chinese phone, over the web.
I will “study” more and then move on to questions!


An interesting read is also this thread:

Generally the price of the phone is also higher than other phones because of the relatively small quantities Fairphone produces (140.000 per year is nothing compared to iPhones and Samsung).


Hi all !

I’m Jobbes from Lyon France ! Fairphone 2 owner and android developper and video gamer ! Nice to meet yall, Hell Yeah \m/ !


Salut, @Jobbes welcome to the forum! :smiley:

Hi, I’m a freelance sustainability consultant based in Devon, UK, and decided to put my money where my mouth is. Both my and my husband’s phones just reached the ends of their lives, and we’ve chosen differently for our next phones. The race is on to see how they compare performance and longevity-wise…


Welcome to the forum, @fancemma! :slight_smile:

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Hi, I’m Simon
I’ve had my fairphone2 for about 8 weeks, I’m not really a techie in anyway so you’ll have to be patient with me while I get used to how all this sort of thing works.


Hi, @lester76, welcome to the forum! Don’t worry, the community is very patient, we don’t want that anyone is left behind! :slight_smile:

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Hi, I am Manuel and like a lot of other people in this forum here I decided to spend my money on a great project leading to sustainable technology. Got my Fairphone 2 a few days ago and it has some bugs, but as I see in the forum I am not the only one and I hope they will be fixed soon. I also try to get it running without google, great that you give some good advice in this forum for it.


Hi! I am a Social Science researcher based in Cardiff, UK. I switched from iPhone to FP2 this year after over 3 years of the iPhone but got fed up of having to pay lots to replace the screen which seemed to break so very easily.

Am having some teething issues with the FP2, but am hoping the supportive community may be able to help me get prolonged use out of it!


HI @Manel, @Monkeycymru and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile: Sometimes one still needs assistance from Google because the Discourse forum search is quite improvable. If you are having troubles finding something, you can use Google’s on site search:



Hello to everyone!
I would like to buy a second hand FairPhone V1.
I am owning an “old” Samsung Galaxy Y duos GT-S6102, my first smartphone, and, trying to get rid of the GAFAM software in it, installing APK from F-Droid, I realised that ic capacities where pretty much out of date, and that nowdays, most of the APK are designed for android 4.x at least.

I am concerned about durabilty, low impact products and information technologies.
I’m kind of an eco-warrior, using my bike as much as possible, and a gardiner, too !

cheers, everyone !


Hi, @Candide, welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Hi @Candide,

for a second hand FP1 this link will be interesting to you: