WeAreFairphone on Mastodon

(post deleted by author)

It’s done: @Ingo has set up our new Mastodon outpost:


As some of you already know, unfortunately we weren’t able to properly migrate our previous Mastodon account anymore – the old instance apparently collapsed faster than we could rescue our stuff. So we are starting from scratch again now, without the near-1200 followers of our old account.

Which is why we are hoping you are supporting us in getting the message spread where you can: If you followed us on Mastodon before, visit us and follow us anew – or for the first time if you didn’t before. Please boost/share our introduction post with your own Mastodon followers:


And if you like it there and want a new or first-time home on Mastodon, make yourself comfortable and create your own account at social.fairphone.community – our new instance run by veteran Faiphone Angel and former long-time Fairphone Community Forum moderator @paulakreuzer

Thank you! :slight_smile:


Hello Urs,

I have seen “WeAreFairphone” has a verified link to the Angels site https://angels.fairphone.community/. I have the same link in my profile - unverified of course. Can you please add the corresponding “me” link to site, too, and maybe follow me in case? @@alexca@digitalcourage.social. Already following the WeAreFairphone profile since almost creation time. :wink:

Can you try again, your link is now on the map.

1 Like

@paulakreuzer how likely is it that this instance will run for a long time? I still remember when I had a peertube account some 5 years ago and the website just shut down at some point and I lost all my stuff and I don’t want that to happen again


It is run by the Fediverse Foundation. A club I co-founded. We’re very dedicated to keeping our instances running - at least as long as they are used.
So come on everybody, join! :smiley:


Six months on …

WeAreFairphone has been able to welcome the 1000th follower on Mastodon on New Year’s Eve 2023 :partying_face: This was – unexpectedly – helped a great deal by FediFollows whose recommendations in the past year easily accounted for far more than half of our followers today.

And we also wouldn’t be there today without the generous help, support and resources of @paulakreuzer’s Fediverse Foundation … which is why Ingo and I would like to invite those who want and can to send some Euros :euro: their way:

:arrow_forward: Donations to fediverse.foundation

Mastodon is non-commercial and relies on grassroots support. Any amount for our hosts is welcome. For reference, you can also find the donation details in our instance social.fairphone.community’s ABOUT US information.

Thank you!

@Ingo and @urs_lesse


Advance notice:

Tomorrow (had a wrong date for saturday before)

:new: Monday 4 March: We are back online :slight_smile: