USB VSense: A fully open source USB-C Voltage indicator

Hey everyone,

USB VSense is a USB voltage indicator, meant to give you insight into USB Power by giving you a quick voltage read out

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Key features:

  • individually color-coded lights β€” one for each USB Power Delivery fixed voltage mode
  • Fully capable of the latest USB PD EPR specifications (48 V, 5 A, 240 W)
  • Distinct alerts show > 5% and > 10% deviations from the fixed voltages. This feature is also helpful in approximating PPS voltages
  • Fully open-source; stacked PCB β€œOreo” construction; the entire device is made of PCBs. Therefore, easy to customize

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated


Welcome to the Fairphone community.

Is there a USB-C version too? As USB-A seems to be quite outdated nowadays and not even supporting all voltages.

Thank you for your warm welcome. Yes USB VSense is USB-C, actually there is no USB-A version. Maybe it’s confusing because of the size of the device. USB VSense is super comapct the width is only about 18 mm. Also USB VSense recently got covered by here is the link if you need more info: USB VSense Makes Sense of All the Voltages Available From USB-C -