Unable to transfer any data from iOS to /e/OS on new Fairphone 4

I have bought a Fairphone 4 with Murena /e/OS

I encounter the following problems:

  • Setting up Murena email: my username is already in use from when I tried before, my backup email (gmail) is already in use from when I tried before, but I have not received initial confirmation email to my gmail nor any lost password reminders. I am therefore unable to use murena to import contacts etc.
  • When following Android advice on setting up new phone via data cable connection to existing iPhone, the option does not appear to do this when installing /e/OS.
  • WhatsApp: using WhatsApp on iPhone’s ‘transfer to Android’ function does not work as the required alert message on the new phone does not trigger.
  • I am unable to set up the file sharing via USB from my Fairphone to my Windows laptop to access the files exported from iCloud as per Migrate to /e/OS. My laptop can see the file structure when USB fileshare is enabled, but I cannot switch to “connected device control” on the phone and so cannot paste any files into the phone storange from the laptop.
  • the App iSync available for the Fairphone is just a portal to iCloud and does not help transfer any data such as contacts. The Notes section doesn’t display properly so I can’t even copy and paste them into Notes app.

I am seriously considering returning this Fairphone and getting one with a standard install of Andriod, not e/OS/. I have not managed to do a single thing in terms of setting up the phone in the way I would like.

Hi and welcome to the community forum.

Quite a lot going on here, so let’s take a few things at a time …

Firstly, I’d recommend you also have a look round over on the Murena forum since a lot of your questions are specifically about setting up /e/ OS.

Secondly, did you read this guide on transferring data from iOS to /e/ OS ?

Do I conclude that you no longer have the password? Otherwise, there shouldn’t be any problem setting up your new phone using an account that already exists. Maybe I haven’t understood quite where your problem is.

You shouldn’t need to. If you can see your phone storage from your Windows file explorer then you should be able to treat it just like a USB memory stick or external hard drive.

For your contacts, since you’re using /e/ and likely wanting to avoid Google, in your place I would log into my iCloud account and export a .VCF file that you can later import through your contacts app on the Fairphone.

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Hi, thank you for the reply! I appreciate you taking the time.

Yes, I have read the guide. My issues here are, in the step-by-step guide, the file transfer step 3. I am unable to get my laptop to recognise the Fairphone as a device that it can write to (fourth bullet in original post) so while I have the vCard, calendar links, photos, etc. I cannot move them onto the Fairphone. I see your comment that it should be treatable just like a USB stick or external drive; but I cannot drag files to it or paste them.

I therefore moved to point 4 - however, I do not have the original password used when setting up the Murena account - I did this initially on the Fairphone at set up, and whilst I could see the account under “Accounts” there was no password view or reset option. Resetting the password from the website fails to send me the password reminder link, although I know my email was correctly used at setup as it won’t let me set up a new account using that same email. And so I cannot sign into the Murena Cloud account; this is one issue I probably need to raise directly through a ticket to Murena support?

Finally, yes agreed for the contacts - I have the .vcf card. I cannot find a way to add it to the Fairphone so that the contacts app can import it. I have also tried using bluetooth to connect both the Fairphone and my iPhone (iPhone won’t transfer the file), my laptop and the Fairphone (cannot pair it: ‘passcode note accepted’ error despite accepting the same passcode on both devices).

A large part of the frustration you rightly picked up on is that the above steps should work but do not, and as a relatively tech-savvy person I can see this but cannot fix them.

Finally, yes, I have posted the same on the Murena forum: Unable to transfer any data from iOS to /e/OS - #3 by fleurione - Migrate to /e/OS - /e/OS community. The guidance so far seems to be “set up an email on the phone and email it all to yourself” (I had thought of that - part of my struggle is a lack of space on the iPhone to be able to save e.g. a Whatsapp chat export file, one of the reasons I am upgrading the phone! And then I can’t email it as it’s too big anyway.)

I also know it seems perhaps silly that I wouldn’t just set up the new phone, add contacts manually, and start afresh. Part of my feeling of being able to move to a different OS though was being able to take my WhatsApp messages (which I also use for saving important info), and my notes (again, important info - and actually linked to my Google account!). Transfer Data From iPhone to Android Seamlessly | Android :frowning:

OK so let’s try and sort out moving files from PC to FP4.
When using USB the commonest problems are the cable (also sometimes the port on the PC so it’s worth trying different ports), and the user selecting “File transfer” from USB options.

  • Connect PC to phone with USB.
  • On the phone, go to Settings > Connected devices > USB (should show at top of screen if cable OK) > make sure “Use USB for” is set to “File transfer”. Opening Settings is also important because the phone has to be unlocked, and that lets Android know that it’s you doing the connecting, otherwise no data connection will be allowed.
    At the same time, a Windows PC should pop-up the question, “Select what happens with this device”. That shows that a proper data connection has been established. I recommend NOT responding to that, since you will likely be having different needs at different times, and the pop-up is a useful signal that the data connection is OK.

If these things aren’t happening then as stated above, there’s a problem likely with either the phone’s USB port, the cable or the PC’s port.

Of course, to get some files from the PC to the phone you can also use Bluetooth (or even Wi-Fi but that’s usually a bit more complicated). For Bluetooth, pair the two devices, then select a file (such as your contacts.vcf). In Windows 11:
Right-click the file > Show more options > Send to > Bluetooth device > Select the phone.
On the phone, look out for a Notification: [your computer’s name] is ready to send [your file name]
Tap the notification and then choose “Accept”.
On the phone, the file will be saved to “Download”.

Let me know how you get on.


When you created your Murena account you will have provided a “recovery e-mail” that they can use to send you the necessary info to reset your password.

To reset your password, you should be able to go to https://murena.io and then click “Forgot password?”
On the next screen, indicate your Murena account e-mail address.

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Thanks so much for the response.

Re the cable transfer method; my laptop has just one USB port and I’ve tried via my usb hub and direct to the port. I bought a cable specifically noted as being a data cable not just for charging. I’ve set the file transfer setting on USB options on the phone (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B09NPKN1L1?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title); there’s also the option “controlled by” connected device or this phone - it won’t let me switch to ‘connected device’ ie the laptop in case that means anything. It is a work laptop.

Ignoring the pop up response from the laptop, brought me to the issue reported: unable to paste or drag any files into the folder view on the laptop. To be fair I did try putting them in one of the folders - Downloads - in the DCIM so perhaps I could try depositing direct to the DCIM folder? I feel like the connection has worked though for me to see the folder contents (empty); maybe it’s a write permissions thing?

My next option I think would be to take it to the office when I’m next in and use my desktop PC (four USB ports) and an alternative cable.

Re the Bluetooth connection - I can pair the Fairphone to my iPhone via Bluetooth, so this works. However when I pair to the laptop, it gives a passcode incorrect error even though I’ve agreed the passcode on both the phone and the laptop. I will test whether laptop can connect to my iPhone however you usually can’t transfer between that and a Windows machine without using iTunes so it’s not a direct comparison.

If I could work out how to use Bluetooth to transfer from my iPhone to the Fairphone that would help, but the interface is poor for that and I can’t seem to work it out.

That’s a very important point to make clear. Well, I don’t know what measures your work admins have taken security-wise but I think that both the USB and the Bluetooth problems you indicate are likely related, especially if your laptop is used for secure VPN connections to your work internal network. Quite right too, really.

So for the file transfer from iPhone or PC to Fairphone, you’re best using a cloud for the exchange. Log into https://icloud.com (using the iCloud account that you must have for the iPhone) from the source device and from the FP4. You will need your iPhone to receive a two-factor authentication code. Then just copy the stuff you need to the Drive on iCloud and download them onto the FP4.


You dont need this setting please ignore

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