Unable to download eSIM via mobile data - has to be wifi

Our ISP now has had a two day outage.

We’ve just bought an eSIM.

I googled the instructions on the FP install procedure - looked fine.

Bought eSIM, purchase gives me a QR code to scan.

I go to the phone, go to add a SIM, go to download the SIM.

“You can only download an eSIM if you have a WIFI connection.”

  1. This is not described in the documentation.
  2. What the jesus christ what? I have mobile data - what’s the problem?

(Addendum - the forum software here is the worst in the known Universe. I’ve never seen a worse, more confusing, and more annoying UI, except perhaps for Discord.)

Addendum : I’m running e/OS, so this in fact may well be an e/OS issue, not an FP4 issue.

As an aside, we went out to a local cafe, connected to wifi, and received went through the same dialogue flow - being told that we needed a wifi connection (which we had) in order to install an eSim.

However it is, FP4 or e/OS, on the face of it, eSim is broken.

I suggest that you contactsupport about that if you want an actual explanation and maybe an improvement. This community forum cannot really help you with either. (A slightly more friendly tone might be helpful, though.)


If after two days of ISP outage (and they’ve said nothing at all - so no ETA, no explanation of cause), and you’d just spent time picking, buying, and then an hour trying to install an eSim, at home and then the two of you walking out to a cafe to repeat the same failure, where the docs do not reflect what happens on the phone and what the phone is doing is crazy, you’d be feeling quite annoyed too.

That you’re running /e/OS is an important piece of information. So you might even be in the wrong place complaining here. You can try to get more information over there.

I get that you’re annoyed. But do you realize that the people you’re complaining to bear no responsibility for your ISP issues? (And likely not for your phone issues, either.)


Beside e/OS is your phone still rooted? And you experimented with Mobian last year, would not be the first time things break because of OSes…

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(And likely not for your phone issues, either.)

The phone issues I remembered after my initial post likely have nothing to do with FP4 - I’ve used /e/OS from the start so I forgot it’s not the native OS.

As it is, I’ve reached the end of the road with eSIM. It doesn’t work for me. Other people report success. There no indication what’s wrong, no debug, no error as such - just the install process thinks it needs wifi and thinks it doesn’t have it.

Beside e/OS is your phone still rooted? And you experimented with Mobian last year, would not be the first time things break because of OSes…

(I’m forever amazed this forum software has fubared itself so strongly that I need to manually quote the OP in replies.)

Interesting thought. The boot process is unlocked/rooted (not sure of the correct term), but the OS is not. Reverting that would be so onerous, an d it seems long enough a shot (to my knowledge, there are no other issues of any kind in the phone) that it’s not on the menu, alas.

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