TWRP 3.4.0.-0 has been released and now the FP3 is also supported.
/e/ foundation recommends installing TWRP as recovery on the FP2 before installing /e/ (see installation manual), however it hasn’t been in the guide for the FP3, since TWRP wasn’t available at the time I guess.
Now that I have /e/ 0.9 already running on the FP3, can I just flash TWRP as the recovery without re-installing the OS, or do I have to wait until /e/ ‘officially’ supports it? Anyone already tested it?
No, not because it wasn’t available, but because the Fairphone 3 is different compared to the Fairphone 2, so installing /e/ works differently and doesn’t need TWRP.
The reason installing TWRP breaks updates on FairphoneOS is that (until now) OTAs are only provided as incremental updates and not full updates.
If fOTAs are provided as full updates having TWRP installed should not break OTAs.
However TWRP would need to be reinstalled after an OTA.