Trapped in fastboot mode with locked bootloader and corrupted custom ROM

Thanks, but edl modules oemunlock enable also requires the right edl loader

Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.53 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2021.
main - Trying with no loader given ...
main - Waiting for the device
main - Device detected :)
main - Mode detected: sahara
Device is in EDL mode .. continuing.
sahara - 
HWID:              0x001630e100210001 (MSM_ID:0x001630e1,OEM_ID:0x0021,MODEL_ID:0x0001)
CPU detected:      "sd7250"
PK_HASH:           0x1c3d8d7ea24e435d7b540e0ffb34aa4bd57421c5f3570eef54f354610953a24c
Serial:            0x3de6ed5b

sahara - [LIB]: Couldn't find a loader for given hwid and pkhash (001630e100210001_1c3d8d7ea24e435d_[FHPRG/ENPRG].bin) :(
Device is in an unknown sahara state, resetting
resp={'cmd': 1, 'len': 48, 'version': 2, 'version_min': 1, 'max_cmd_len': 1024, 'mode': 0, 'res1': 0, 'res2': 0, 'res3': 0, 'res4': 0, 'res5': 0, 'res6': 0, 'object_size': 48, 'raw_data': bytearray(b'\x01\x00\x00\x000\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')}

Sadly there won’t be anything interesting in edl (apart from looking at some hardware info) without a loader.
edl itself knows nothing about the hardware layout, so we won’t be able to modify the system at the current state :see_no_evil:


It seems @k4y0z got the EDL loader from the Xiaomi Redmi 7 firmware package:

I tried the EDL loader from the Xiaomi Mi 10T Lite which also has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G but also got the signature error. The EDL loader for the FP4 is signed, so loaders for other smartphones won’t work as on the FP3.


A Fairphone employee just confirmed me they can’t publish the EDL loader because of the legal situation and because publishing it would work around parts of the security model of Qualcomm devices.

Makes sense to me, reading this blog post discussing the security implications of leaked / published EDL loaders: Exploiting Qualcomm EDL Programmers (1): Gaining Access & PBL Internals

Unfortunately, this only leaves the option with the official programmer and the protocol analyzer for $1,295.00 for EDL unbricking as @hirnushi pointed out. Reading about the security implications of this, I don’t think even that would be a good idea.

Maybe there’s another way not involving EDL mode, but based on countless other online forum posts of other people in your situation, I think the only way is to send it to Fairphone.


That’s what I feared :see_no_evil:

That has always been the case, but good to know there’s an official response on that matter :+1:

Since there are already official programmers out there, this isn’t really a concern to me. At some point that loader will get leaked and the question is, will there be people selling access to it or does the community benefit from it.

I’m pretty sure EDL is the last resort already, but maybe we missed something along the way :thinking: (not getting my hopes up)


Using this guide from XDA combined with this XDA forum post I was able to extract hidden FP4 fastboot commands from the bootloader. They are the same on FP OS and /e/ OS.

/e/ OS extraction on Linux
binwalk -e abl.img
cd _abl.img.extracted
strings -f 3078 | grep oem

3078: oem clear-rollback-index
3078: oem enable-charger-screen
3078: oem disable-charger-screen
3078: oem off-mode-charge
3078: oem select-display-panel
3078: oem device-info
3078: oem enable-root
3078: oem disable-root
3078: Enter fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0/1

Unfortunately, these commands won’t help us.

What happens if you try to boot the newest boot.img from or the one included in the /e/ OS image?

fastboot boot boot.img


Great find :metal:

I’m pretty sure fastboot boot requires a unlocked bootloader though… :thinking:

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Yeah the boot command isn’t available if OEM/bootloader is locked:

$ fastboot boot boot.img
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [  2.345s]
FAILED (remote: Fastboot boot command is not available in locked device)
finished. total time: 2.350s

Is it maybe possible to spoof the loader signature somehow?

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Nope, that won’t work.
Not only would we need a loader we know actually works, but we would also need to pad that binary until we somehow end up with the exact hash that’s required. Even with a HPC cluster from a university I’m pretty sure that’s not easily achievable.
At that point that protocol analyzer and bribing someone with access to a programmer might be cheaper :smirk:


Did it still come to a solution here?
I have exactly the same problem, only that I wanted to go from Lineageos back to StockRom.
And yes I was a bit fast with closing the boot partition :-(.
But I run into the same problems as my predecessor in fastboot.

Sadly we still don’t have access to a firehose file (as far as I know), so there’s no access to proper EDL for now and without that no way for the community to fix a bricked phone.

Your best bet is to #contactsupport :see_no_evil:


thank you for the quick feedback.
Too bad that this file is missing :-(.
Have times written to the support, am curious what comes back.

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Hey all,

I have the same problem.
I have contacted Fairphone support, maybe they can help me.

Same here,
no flashing/boot/erase commands possible since Bootloader is locked, recovery unavailable.
oem unlock likewise disabled. On boot it always goes directly to bootloader, even if I try to go to recovery.
I haven’t tried the edl stuff you mentioned, but everything else (including hours of googling) didn’t work.
I also contacted support and am waiting for their reply.


has anyone received any feedback from Fairphone support?
Unfortunately I do not receive any feedback on my request.

If you are using eOS then your port of call would be e-foundation. Fairphone supports only those phones running the default Android OS.

I think it depends on where/with which OS you bought the phone.


I bought it with the Fairphone OS directly from the Fairphone Shop.

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Fairphone wouldn’t help with your use of eOS. Their free help/warranty only covers FOS so in any case you would have to revert to that before asking Fairphone for assistance.

Although I agree it’s no warranty case I’d still get in contact with Fairphone support here. I assume Murena support is less appropriate.