Transver media from a computer

I failed in transfering Media (music) from my computer to the fairphone. I looked at the video. But i didn´t get the nice green figure. My fairphone has a list of connections: USB, Media, Camera. When i chose USB, I cannot find the fairphone on my computer. If I chose Media, I can transfer Music in the music-folder of the fairphone. But I cant play the music on my fairphone. I cant find it in the app “music”. Additional Inormation.The software of my very new Fairphone is: Chepi 1,5. But there is no update avalible?
Who can help me? If ist ist so complicated, I havd to retirn my fairphone

Are the music files MP3, or a different type?

Did you try a different music app, e.g. VLC for Android (also available through F-Droid)?

Thanks very much, with VLC ist works. I can hear music on the fairphone. But I can´t use it as ringtone. Do you have an idee?

What if you copy the music files to the folder Internal Storage > Ringtones?

Thanks, I managed it

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Glad you sorted this.

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