Hi everyone,
I have been struggling to get my years worth of WhatsApp chats (including GB of Photos and Videos) to my new Phone. I know that using WhatsApp is kind of against the “FP way”, but ditching it is sadly not possible for me. To make matters worse, my previous phone was an iPhone on a years old software version. This method works, however WA changes things all the time. They dont want us to transfer chats without Google accounts, for that you have to use Signal
Transfering iOS WhatsApp Chats to the Fairphone, not using Backup to Google Drive. No Factory reset of Fairphone and no 3rd Party app apart from SmartSwitch
What you need
- The iPhone, the Fairphone and a Samsung Galaxy device with no WhatsApp installed. Personally only >=64GB versions worked. Samsung Tablets work as well. (we will be using “SmartSwitch”)
- A lighting to USB-C cable. Another option is a USB-C Hub combined with a Lightning-USB-A cable
- Fully charged devices (the will drain like hell and charge each other)
- (sadly) a Google account. This is only needed on the Galaxy device while using SmartSwitch. SmartSwitch cannot install WhatsApp from Aurora
- Some time, the final run cost me about 6 hours
The Idea
- Transfer chats from iOS to Galaxy device using SmartSwitch
- Start a backup on the Galaxy device to get local Whatsapp backup file (crypt.12/crypt.14)
- Restore local backup on Fairphone
Okay with that out of the way lets start.
Step by step
- Remove WhatsApp on the Galaxy device and sign it into a Google account (needed to install WhatsApp again)
- Start “SmartSwitch” and follow the onscreen instructions to recieve data. Open WA on the iOS device and start “Move chats to Android”
- On the Galaxy device disable all options but “Apps” and “App Data”, now tap transfer
- Desecelct all Apps but WA
- The transfer should now start (for me it took 1,5h to transfer 10 GB)
- Once SmartSwitch is fully completed (even the “integrate” phase), start WA and log in.
- Once the “Give permission” (“if you previously backed up to Google storage …”) popup comes up, select any Google account or “Add acount” and swipe back. Wait for WhatsApp to set up (~1h)
- With a fully set up Galaxy WA installation navigate in WA to: settings > chats > Chat backup and tap “Backup”. You can also set up an encypted backup. Now you can disable wifi if WA starts to upload the backup, we only need the “Local: /some time here” backup.
- Use any File manager on the Galaxy device to navigate to: InternalStorage > Android > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp
- Quick briefing. The “Databases” folder contains crypt.XX files. These are the MESSAGE backup files. No Stickers, no images, no settings. It is the most important file for transfer since it ties everything together. The “Media” folder contains said Images, videos and so on. The “Backup” folder contains Settings, stickers, wallpapers…
- Copy the whole folder “InternalStorage > Android > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp” to any folder on the Fairphone (not yet into “android/media/com. …”)
- Install WhatsApp on the Fairphone (Aurora f.e). Set it up until the the “Give permission” popup from step 7 accurs
- Minimise WA and now transfer the Galaxy “InternalStorage > Android > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp” folder to the Fairphone equivalent “InternalStorage > Android > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp”
- Disable Wifi/Data, open WhatsApp, tap “Give permission”, then “Add Account” and swipe back
- Let WA search for 5 seconds, then reenable WiFi/Data. WhatsApp should restore the local backup. Wait again (~1h), and the Chats should be restored.
And you are all set up. Remember to disable “iMessage”, delete WhatsApp on the galaxy device (and clear “Android Switch” data if you used someone elses Galaxy device)
Its also useful to log into iCould in the web and export all contact to a file, which can be imported on the Fairphone.
A quick word about 3rd party WhatsApp chat movers, both pc and app. I consider them all scams. Many do not work untill you pay, publish fake articles to advertise the product and provide other apps, like “iCloud Unlcok” which is a huge red flag. I would never trust them with years woth of my private communication. (remember, the Media folder is unencrypted). If you have any good sugesstions and experiences tho, please share them.
There are many other guides on there, just search through the “whatsapp” tag if this on does not fit you
Hopefuly this helps someone out there,
have a nice day