Things I miss with the new version (marshmallow)

Been running the new version for a couple of days (17.04.8):

  • I miss the phone-shortcut on the lock-screen (but the voice-assistant is cool, though :sunglasses:)
  • Miss the alarm shortcut on the lock-screen.
  • Miss the ability to tweak the brightness of the background image.
  • Miss the swipe-left shortcut (even if I think Iā€™ll adapt)
  • I canā€™t have any ā€œscreensā€ to the left side of the home-screen anymore!?

Beside that, the new version feels fresh and happy! Good work FP2-team!

If you really miss these functions you might be able to get them back by trying out a launcher (see this forum wiki post).

I personally use a way differently designed launcher but there should be several ones that allow you to choose which of your ā€œscreensā€ will be the one you get to when pressing the ā€œHomeā€ button so you can have screens to the left of your homescreen.

Some launchers are very powerful and might even be able to adjust things like the background image values and provide you with a customizable lockscreen. It does not hurt to try them out - I tested about 20 in the past and all of them were as easy to remove like any other app.

Iā€™m also very happy to now have Marshmallow with all its nice features on my phone :slight_smile:

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