Hi I am a green economy student from Milan. I am working on a master thesis comparing Fairphone and other companies through a LCT perspective. As I have a strict deadline and I am also working in a consulting firm, I wanted to get the best possible knowledge and maybe get an interview or survey on the subject from you guys! In case you are interested feel free to contact me
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Welcome to the Fariphone community.
Please be aware, that this is a user forum only hosted on the Fairphone website. So if you want to contact the company, please use the direct ways. as employees are not reading here on a regular basis.
Are you aware of the risk of spamming and phishing you take by putting your telephone number in your post?
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Hi Raffaelle. I regret that Fairphone recycling is not available at all from the United Kingdom where it is much marketed by the Phone Co-op.
Paul Anthony Newmam.