The location of images on SD card does not work with the camera app

I have added a Samsung EVO SD card as external storage. The SD card has been formatted and I can move data to it. Everything works fine in the file manager. I now want to change the location of the pictures taken by the camera app.
To do this, I go to Settings
Storage location: internal memory
at this point I want to change the setting to SD card. Unfortunately, no SD card can be selected here. Why?

I have a Fairphone 4 with the latest updates.

By the way, it works with the Open Camera app - why not with the original app? :thinking:

Just tested it and works for me…did you click on Storage?

Yes, I clicked on the title. But there is no response.
Are there any other setting?

As I wrote: the SD card was detected by the system.

I think you formatted it as internal extension, so not as external and therefore there is nothing to select in the camera App


Oh wow, you really are a fairphone angel! :muscle:
The SD card must be formatted as: Portable Storage (External Storage)!
Thank you.

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