Telegram: pictures are blurred

I have difficulties using telegram on Fairphone 3.

The pictures I receive are always displayed blurred.I had this problem before and solvedtby formatting the SD card. But the app is saved in the internal storage! I have a stable internet connection and can see the pictures on another device. Any ideas? I would like to use both, the SD card and telegram. Is this possible on Fairphone 3 or not?

Kind regards,

Is the SD-Card now used as ‚mobile storage‘ or still as ‚internal storage‘. The latter might cause problems like this.


Hi Incanus, indeed, the SD card was formatted as phone storage. I’ve now formatted it as portable storage and now it works. Thank you for the suggestion! I am just confused, as it worked fine for 4 weeks and then suddenly anymore even if I didn’t change anything. It seems like magic to be, but I am grateful I solved it with your help!


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