Hello, is there any technical difficulties or additional charge to switch a fp4, or fp5, from Android to /e/OS or from /e/OS to Android ? If we do a switch, can we also move back to the previous if it is to suitable for the use ? Thank you very much
Welcome to the forum!
Additional charge: no
Technical difficulties: well, it’s not just pressing a button. So you’ll need some technical abilities
Yes, it’s possible to move back.
And (you may call it nitpicking): /e/OS is also Android, but stripped of Google services. This is why standard (stock) FairPhone OS is generally called FPOS.
For FP4 there still seems to be the easy-installer
But there have been reported problems. I think there is a reason why they call it Beta
Best to look this up directly at the Murea forums.
Also see the device list and the references to install guides there
For FP5 decide for yourself if this falls into the category ‘technical difficulties’
similar for FP4 without the easy-installer