I would very much like to swap the navigation buttons on my new Fairphone 4!
From a previous post, with the very same wish/question, it was said that it is NOT an option one the Fairphone4.
So I contemplated to learn how to compile the OS, and then program the functionality my self.
But that seems to be quite a task!
Then I contemplated crowdsourcing some money, in order to possibly persuade Fairphon developers to add the “swap navigation buttons” option to the OS.
But for now, I am trying out an app, that allows one to swap the navigation buttons.
This app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nu.nav.bar
" Navigation Bar for Android" by Wormhole Space
But I would still much rather prefer it to be an option in settings.
So, has anyone heard about options of how to assist the development of functions/setting in the Fairphone OS?
Is there a subscription option for supporting software development within Fairphone?
I love the user-replaceable hardware concept that Fairphone lives by.
But to me, the software also needs be functional. And with a minimum of standard options.
What do you think?
Would you support a software improvement subscription model?
So we are even more sure that Fairphone has the resources to keep their many-year-long-promise of supporting new versions of Android.