"Survey on smartphones: Share Your Insights and Shape Research!"

:loudspeaker: Attention Forum Members! :loudspeaker:

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well! I’m currently working on a research project for my Master’s program titled ‘From Disposability to Conviviality: Investigating Planned Obsolescence and Conviviality in Smart Phones’, and I’m in need of some valuable insights from diverse perspectives. If you could spare a few moments of your time, I would greatly appreciate your participation in my survey.

The survey aims to gather opinions on modular smartphones like Fairphone. Your input will contribute significantly to my research efforts and help me gain a deeper understanding of how modular smartphones can help in achieving sustainability and conviviality.

Here’s the link to the survey:

Your responses will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only which will be deleted after my thesis defence in August. Thank you so much for your time and contribution!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.
You can email me at: r.thomasgomez@student.utwente.nl

Best regards,
Reethu Thomas Gomez


Hope you’ll remember to leave a link in August here in this topic to your published thesis…! I’m sure all participants will be interested in the results. :slight_smile:


I shared the link in a Shiftphones Group, hoping you will get some answers from those users as well


hi maybe it’s only me having this question.
or i dit get something wrong.

but i have a question.

what do you exactly mean with a modulaire smartphone, like most smartphones where customer repairable before the manufacturer started making this more and more difficult each new model they brought out.

so is a Nokia express music or a Samsung S4 modular smartphone in your union? i will say Yes.



Did Nokia or Samsung sell USB ports, speaker modules,… separately and were they easy to install by a someone that is not a professional repair technician? I don’t think so.
Okay so you could replace battery easily in some models, and maybe the vibration motor if you had a ‘donor device’, but off the shelf parts? That was maybe before my time.

i never experienced problems with finding replacement parts or replacing the part. the phons were made in small modules and easy replaceable for someone white steady hands and good eye’s. not that easy as the Fairphone now but still good to do. no expensive special tools needed.

only my S4 after 4 years out of service the replacement part i needed was not longer available. the end of that phone for my.

Ok; I’ve never been aware that smartphones used to be more repairable than they are now. TIL :nerd_face:

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Just because someone somehow can replace parts, does not make a phone modular in my eyes. Reparable and modular are two different things for me. And becasue you name Samsung…

Ifixit cancelled their contract with Samsung

And Nokia now HMD:

Yes they nowadays have kind of modular phones


Hi yvmuell,

i agree,


im talking about history. not current days.

yes Samsung is definitely a bad company, i only meant they were user reparable years ago.

Samsung is pain in dy a**, after my S4 i never bought Samsung again.

i can’t prove it but im sure they purposely disable phones after warranty. they definitely dit already white my S4, but was possible to reinstall the software to bypass this, wasn’t easy needed help to do that but was done in 30 minutes.
that has nothing to do with the replacement parts.
it was a 2 years timer inside the software, it didn’t disable the phone but started working very poorly after finishing the counting, all kinds of bug’s.

replacing parts only needed a Philips screwdriver.
ironical the same one you need on the Fairphone.

most parts were less than 5 euro on the website of replacedirect, the donor phone on the picture was to get parts after replacedirect was out of stock for the S4

but all together definitely stay away from Samsung.

I’m not the one who opened the survey, however

Because you asked

So I dont think before Shiftphones ar Fairphone any phone was sold as modular.

Just recently I saw someone replacing a Redmi screen which is the frame as well, i.e all parts had to be unglued, disassembled from the old screen and put back on the new screen, so ita reparable and constining of modules, still in my eyes not modular

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