Hey, I’ve just replied to your support request. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you for your reply! I tried to go through all the steps again now and surprisingly it seems to work now! I have to admit that I felt a little angry as I first read your answer because you just listed all the stuff I already knew and already tried without getting a positive result. I also declared this in my request, that’s why I expected something different from the proposals discussed in the forum and the troubleshooting article. But apparently your advice actually helped me to solve the issue by trying it again. Thank You!
PS: There’s one thing I tried for the first time now. Maybe you want to add that to the troubleshooting article! I moved the small rubber, which is placed between the light- and the proximity-sensor, a little bit with a toothpick, because I thought it could maybe partially cover the sensor. For me it seems like this was the decisive operation in my case!
(refers to: https://fairphone.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/101622)
Simply to make sure we have every possible solution proposed, we like to offer all of them available. Really glad to hear that the sensor now works again.
Next to that, I’m going to forward your proposal for the rubber to our product team. That piece of rubber might indeed be the guilty part (letting through dust particles), but we are still investigating and before that don’t want (less tech savvy) customers to start self adjusting it
Thanks for your feedback and suggestion, let us know if you have more!
Just in order to guard against misunderstandings, I wanted to add that I ment the rubber that seperates the to sensors, and not the flat one which is placed between the top module and the screen! I can not confirm it without any doubt that moving that piece of rubber actually solved it but, as I noticed, for me it seems like this tipped the scales in my case!
I hope this was understandable now!
Understood! But if our product team would like to ask you some questions, I’m assuming this is okay, right?
Yes, for sure! I’d be glad about if I can make a contribution to the answer of this issue!
After a received the Fairphone I wanted to send it back, by the ‘Cool off’ right. So I emailed but no respons. I emailed again but no respons. So I’m still waiting for the adress to send the Fairphone 2 back to. Could you please send me the adress to send it back to (@Michiel_S)?
My support request #104820 was submitted 3,5 weeks ago on May 13! and still no answer.
How long should I wait? The calls do not go through…
I resubmitted my request and now it has the ticket #109048 @anon48893843 .
This is really annoying to be phoneless for more then a month…
Hi and thanks for your answer.
I write you a answer @anon48893843
Can you confirm me that you read it?
Request 103836
Thanks and sorry if I ask you again, but now is One MONTH that I can’t use my FP2 and awaiting for change.
Have a nice day
Like so many other people on this thread I submitted a request on 23 April and also a follow-hp message on my request (request #101124). I have still not heard anything from Fairphone, after almost two months. Rather disappointing! Do they ever answer anyone @anon48893843 ?
Hi, I put in Request #106159 on 22nd May, still no response, and my phone is not working AT ALL so this is really frustrating @anon48893843 can you help me, please.
I had a request in beginning of MARCH (#92494) for a problem, which got solved and in that conversation with support I later also described my new, ciritical problem with my fairphone 2. That was obviously not registered, so I had to get a new request yesterday (#109077).
I can not use my phone at all and I am actually waiting for somebody to contact me since the 4th of MAY!!
So, I don´t know if it really helps to post in this thread, but if somebody that is concerned reads this, I have changed back to my old Nokia (30€) for 5 weeks now and have no problems, while my FP2 (530€) now has yet another critical problem (Sim card is not working) on top of the first one. PLEASE HELP ME! @anon48893843
Hey Matteo,
No problem, I just replied!
Disappointing indeed, but we do the best we can! I will make sure you get a reaction today.
Hey Zanna, I’ve just send you a message! Sorry for the long wait!
Hey, someone from the support team will be in touch with you tomorrow! Our apologies to keep you waiting.
seit dem 15.5. warte ich auf Antwort vom Support. Meine Ticket-Nummer ist #105050. Das ist doch echt blöde und alles andere als fair euren Kunden gegenüber, dass ihr einen Support anbietet, dann aber so gar nicht reagiert, erst wenn man hier nachfragt oder anruft.
Ich hoffe, es gibt jemanden bei euch, der Deutsch spricht, mein Englisch ist nicht zu gebrauchen.
Das Display meines PF2 ist kaputt (das Glas ist heil), es reagiert nicht mehr in ca. 1/3 des Bereichs. Ich brauche also eigentlich nur ein neues Display. Als ich das Supportticket geschrieben habe, wusste ich das noch nicht so genau. Inzwischen habe ich mal mit einem anderen FP2 das Display getauscht, damit ging dann alles. Es kann also nicht am Rest des Telefons liegen. Gerne würde ich mein Telefon wieder benutzen wollen, zurzeit geht das leider fast gar nicht.
Bitte meldet euch bei mir per E-Mail. Sollte es wirklich nur auf Englisch gehen, dann werde ich mich bemühen und hoffen, dass ihr etwas davon versteht…
Liebe Grüße,
Edit: Muss ich eigentlich zu @anon48893843 verlinken? Wenn ja, dann ist das hiermit geschehen, hoffentlich klappt es auch nachträglich, dass er das mitbekommt.
Ganz so stimmt das nicht; das Problem ist einfach, dass der Support völlig überarbeitet ist und hinterher hinkt (Ich musste z.b. auch 5 Wochen auf eine Antwort warten war aber nicht so dringend (neues backcover), von dem her ok). Wer lauter schreit (sprich: anruft oder sich hier meldet), wird schneller bedient. Persönlich finde ich das eigentlich nicht ganz fair, da somit jene die leise bleiben noch länger warten müssen. Zumindest in Fällen wo man scheinbar das Ticket übersehen aber doch hilfreich wenn man den Prozess beschleunigen kann.
Aber ich stimme dir auf jeden Fall zu, es ist schon mühsam zu sehen wie lange eine Antwort dauert, man sollte erwarten dass das innerhalb einer Woche passieren würde. Ist aber leider nicht so . Zumindest merkt man aber, dass sich die Support Mitarbeiter wirklich bemühen, und wenn man erst mal an die Reihe kommt, dass sie auch sehr nett und entgegenkommend sind.
I am writing here because I don’t know what else to do. My original order has been shipped on May 12th, but it never arrived, DHL status is still ‘in delivery courier’. Apparently it got lost in the DHL network (not Fairphone’s fault). I was contacted by a Fairphone support guy, and he offered to send it again. This supposedly happened on June 1st, at least I got an email that said so, and a tracking number. But the DHL status for this remains “Shipment information received”. I called up DHL, but they said they haven’t received the shipment yet, and I should contact the sender. I did this (filed support ticket #109062), tried to call support, etc, but haven’t received any reply yet. @anon48893843 can you get somebody to check the status of it? I was hoping to get the phones this weekend… Thanks & cheers, Roman
One big plus of Fairphone-Sales is the choice klickbox between DHL and DPD (deutscher Paket dienst) . Which one you take depends on your experiences. Some grumble but DPD , some about DHL , some about both.
But having a choice given by FP made a big point to FP from my side due to logistics. I hope you still have the choice next time.