I have two tickets 115679 & 106604. I have a dead phone. It will not charge and it will not start up properly when I use a battery from my daughter’s charged FP2. This problem has got increasingly worse over the last few months. I need to have a phone that works and this is causing me problems. In addition I have a battery which loses power quite suddenly for no good reason.
I’m going to make sure you will be helped tomorrow. Sorry for the long wait!
Hey Physio, I would like to say I can help you but unfortunately we can only provide service within Europe. This means you would need to ship your phone to the Netherlands, then we can of course fix your problems, but unfortunately we can only send it back to an European address (friend/relative), who can then ship it back to you in Australia. I will send you my email address in a PM so we can discuss options, since you are unable to create a ticket.
Hey Ruth, Borjan emailed you Thursday at 12.50 with relevant info. Are you sure you didn’t receive that message? Greets, Michiel
I’m making sure we reply tomorrow Miguel! Thanks, Michiel
You will be answered tomorrow Gerberli! Sorry for the long wait, Michiel
We will reply tomorrow JFM! Sorry!
We will answer you tomorrow, thanks for your patience.
Hey Mowgli, I can imagine your frustration. I’m going to make sure we will solve your issues tomorrow and get you a working phone as soon as possible. My apologies for the long wait!
Hey Lukas, if you can let me know your ticketnumber I will make sure to help you as soon as we can. Thanks, Michiel
Making sure we help you tomorrow, thanks for the waiting.
Making sure we answer you tomorrow, our apologies for the long wait!
Just replied to your message loskronos! Sorry it took so long!
Hey, I need a ticketnumber in order to help you as fast as possible. Please create one and I will make sure that this happens! Thanks, Michiel
Jonty, we will find a solution tomorrow. Sorry it took long!
I have sent an email for repairing my fairphone almost 2 weeks ago and I have received no answer. I can understand that they are busy but I have no phone since 3 weeks ago and I am in a rush to repair it at this moment. So please, could you try to make a bit faster all the process? I really like the idea of the fairphone but without a good costumer service… nothing works.
@Michiel_S My ticket number is #117112, just in case it´s necessary. Thank you!
ich finde die idee von fairphon gut, aber das fp2 ist eine katastrophe ich habe keine freude damit.
ich habe mein fp2 vor ein paar monate eingeschickt (habe vom support eine mail bekommen das ich es einsenden soll) und zurückbekommen und es funktioniert nach wie vor nicht es spinnt sogar mehr als vorher.
seit drei monate schreibe ich den support und bekomme keine antwort.
ich bin sehr sauer ;o(
hat jemand von euch schon mal sein fp2 zurück geschickt und/oder sein geld zurück verlangt?
Was ist deine Ticket-Nummer?
Dass braucht Support um dich weiter zu hilfen.
I have now been in touch with Borjan and have arranged for a new phone to be delivered and am returning mine. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
was für eine ticket-nummer?
und wenn etwas fehlt warum schreibt man keine mail?
beim support gibt es ein formular und das habe ich ausgefühlt?