Hi there!
I’ve been using the Fairphone 3 for about 3 moths now and it was a good choice and I don’t feel like getting a new phone any time soon.
I bought this phone to use it with /e/ OS but for now I have to stick to a root-debloated, root-degoogled and heavily root-modified version of FairphoneOS (and it’s not bad at all!) because there is a major issue with /e/ and literally every Android 10 custom ROM where the screen is laggy, not responsive and the user experience is ruined. The /e/ guys announced that they’ll fix this in the next update, but when you look at the GitLab its only 26% completed so we will have to wait a bit:
In the few months that I’ve been using FairphoneOS I noticed some things that I wanted to give Feedback on, some improvement suggestions, also some complaints, but also some good things and maybe it would also help the development and I hope I am not the only one who noticed those points
- Camera has been improved a bit
- Android 10 upgrade
- Firmware can be flashed on all major OSs
- Firmware can (idk if it should xD) be downgraded
- Not much bloat compared to other vendors
- Battery life is good (especially when degoogled/without play services)
- Make the camera icon adaptive and maybe change the package name to com.android.camera2 so icon packs detect it
- Change the margin between the quick settings/screen edge and quick settings icons/toggles
I can’t explain this well. Look at the difference between those pictures:
https://i.imgur.com/lqkwOXd.png (Correct from my point of view)
https://i.imgur.com/RLhCoqr.png (On Fairphone it’s like this but even worse, the icons are almost falling off the quick settings )
- Allow Vendor and Product partitions to be Read - Write
- Make the settings status bar white so it fits Google’s material design 2
- Change the accent color to blue (similar to pixel blue)
- Remove the padding of the status bar clock and remove the carrier indicator
- Better custom ROM compatibility
Sorry if this post seems strange, I would never write this to something like Google. But I thought that giving some feedback and suggesting some improvements might help improve the phone and it’s software. Of course I am not forcing anybody from the team to include those changes