Wow… What a discussion, going from @sozialpr asking support and experiences of others, to a discussion of the use of a smartphone and calling, to finish on nearly sarcastical comments and half-founded arguments. Perhaps we could avoid off-topic
I don’t really know what you are expecting as answers. I feel you as well, and I understand your frustration.
I don’t have a FP3, but my experience of Fairphone has not been that good all in all, I had a pretty buggy FP2. Though I ended up at the end with a working device, I personally was satisfied with the support I received. FPOOS had some annoying bugs, but eventually some got solved.
I think Fairphone proved they could achieve things, but it takes some time. The bigger they become, and the faster it will be. I understand they could be more transparent, and I have been annoyed as well sometimed by their lack of transparence. Though comparing them to many other brands, I understand, and I am not surprised, and I think people are demanding quite much from them.
I have trust in FP because they have proven to me they could do things. I am ready to be patient. I am ready to have a partly buggy device for some time. And, to say it again FP3 was a BIG improvement compared to FP2. I think FP is really improving, and I notice efforts, I notice they try, not like other big brands who have an established market and can allow theirselves some margins, some abuse also, and to do a bit what they want.
You say you are losing trust. I understand, I myself have been often annoyed by bugs, but I did not lose trust. You are asking us to give you trust again in Fairphone, I think we can only give you our experience. The answer to the question of trust is really subjective, and we can’t answer it for you. I also understand you have other imperatives that disqualifie FP, and if these are to important, then I don’t think you should feel guilty about leaving your FP3 aside. You have supported their ideals, you have tried FP and it partly failed, I understand, and it is your personal experience. Leaving FP aside doesn’t mean you are becoming a bad person by having another phone, and it doesn’t stop you from coming back to thel once they will have evolved, or when you feel like it.
Some people in this forum have left Fairphone aside, though that doesn’t mean they abandoned the community. You can be part of Fairphone without using one, Fairphone is as much a company as a movement “Buy a phone, join a movement”
Hope this can help answer your interrogations
Sorry for the mistakes, am currently on mobile And sorry for the lengthy post