since the latest update of the stock ROM after rebooting my phone, Spotify will suddenly jump back to the internal Storage - forcing to re-download 8GB of music onto the already quite full internal storage. I’ve reached out to Spotify support, and they’ve tried resolving the situation - but with no luck.
I’ve seen this is a commonish problem for other people with Spotify, though I’m suspicious that it might be related with the buggy recent stock rom update by Fairphone since I didn’t experience that issue prior.
Yeah, though for me it popped up recently and perhaps it is a combination of multiple bugs. I know that the storage API of Android is a bit clumpy, on my Fairphone it detect four different storages, two of them are “SD Cards” - though one of them is the internal storage.
Spotify actually fixed that settings page, there is no more duplicated storage selectors visible - although the bug was recently still present, I’ll test if moving woks in the next days.