Sorry, can't buy the FP4 - it's too big and heavy

There is no accounting for tastes! :grin:

I for one, when I first unwrapped my FP4, was happy about its solid feeling weight. It doesn’t feel like a small piece of cheap plastic, made to fall apart if you give it a hard stare. Note I don’t have to worry about its weight deforming my expensive designer clothes’ pockets, and I’m a burly guy able to lift those 225 g with a single arm. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the size, the FP4 is a little longer but just as wide as my previous (very old) Samsung Note, and for me that was a condition to buy it: I’m well past my half century and need a big screen to be able to read anything without glasses. Smaller phones are useless to me (yes, I don’t want to have to pull out my reading glasses each time the phone rings, thank you very much).

TL;DR: I for one am happy with both the weight and the size, and wouldn’t had minded even heavier and bigger either. “Jedem Tierchen sein Plaisirchen”:smiley:
If Fairphone should focus on an issue, it definitely isn’t that one, there are many way more pressing issues to be tackled. IMHO.


New project of small android phone, with a survey !!

I just took the survey and explained that the ideal phone to me is a iPhone Mini sized phone, with Fairphone mindset and characteristics (repairable, fairtrade, yet powerful)


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