🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Someone please point me to the latest FP4 camera app

GCam ports laufen auf dem FP4 einwandfrei.

Das ist gut zu wissen, auch wenn es sich nicht mit meinen Erfahrungen deckt.

Momentan bspw. bin ich auf Open Camera, kann aber nur bis max 12MP Auflösung einstellen. Die beworbenen 48MP wollen sich mir schlichtweg nicht offenbaren.

Was mache ich falsch?



We will most likely never get access to that outside of the stock camera app.

Thanks for your input, Razem

I read most of that thread, but it gets a bit too technical for me at times. The thing I don’t understand though is the business rationale behind NOT providing a proper interface. Doing so would sell more devices, wouldn’t it, ESPECIALLY with a phone that aims at a niche market of tinkerers, anti-consumerist, freedom of big corporate people.

What I am reading here is utterly disappointing. I did my research, I read about the camera suckage, but then stopped when I read that a new, ever-so-awesome camera app has hit the market. I thought “Splendid, Fairphone fixed their mess already.”

This whole drama is in fact less of a case for developers as it is a case for the lawyers, as a promised feature is not delivered. When all camera apps deliver all specs on all degoogled OSs with all other phones but not the PF4, it’s pretty evident what’s going on here. In Germany, selling a thing that doesn’t deliver promised features factually voids the sales contract (“Sachmangel”). That is especially the case foe murena customers, who bought the phone with stock /e/OS, and never got what they paid for.

Last thing I was dreaming of when I switched from the i- to the Fairphone was that I’d be looking at code and shell commands again. Last time I had to do that was in the last century. :wink:

(shrugs, grabs pin to remove simcard…)


Somewhere else on this board I read that someone just manually threw out as many google packages as possible without breaking the phone. He did that on an FP5, because seemingly it’s a way to kept the camera in all its splendor. I would totally something like that on a normal computer, but I don’t want to end up with $500 brick, even if it’s fairly sourced.

I dont think that this applies, because you are just not using the stock system and I dont think anyone promised you full 48MP with thirsd party ROMs or Apps…

And Murena sells it with the marketing promise to get full 48MP pixel output? Any Proof? Else its just like this, still 48MP are used…

There’s also a similar topic about removing google apps on a FP4:

And as long as you keep the bootloader unlocked the probability of hard bricking the device is very low (at least based on all reports I’ve seen on this forum).


In additon there is a debloat wiki covering this and more


@Volker Thanks for your input, Volker. I might give it a try these days. I had my fair share of bricklaying, and as I progress in age, I steer away from heart- and jailbreaks.

@yvmuell : Thanks, I wasn’t aware that MP and MP are actually two different things. I did wonder though how such a sudden jump in density was technically possible, including processing the much bigger files. So truth is, I never bought a 12 megapixel camera in the first place. Good to know.

It’s a Sachmangel nevertheless. FP is a hardware company, delivering data to standardized interfaces. Just like Lenovo is not <Lenovo+Microsoft>. No chance in court, hands down.

48"MP" or 12 megapixels - if the camera module takes forever to communicate with the layer above it, it’s simply broken software, curtesy of Fairphone. @Razem pointed out further up that the interface standard has been around since 2009 or so.

And see, this is not even hardware that needs to be replaced, like when Volkswagen calls back a few thousand cars because they sold their customers failing hardware. No, this is just code, made once, and then elegantly dispatached to all phones in existance, at next to zero expense.

More importantly: What message is FP sending out to market? “Yeah, we sold you a phone with a factually useless camera, but hey, you can get another camera for cheap, and you can put it in yourself, but it’s not going to fix the problem WE created. Oh, and thank you for your business!”

The result is, that customers will get rid of these devices earlier than necessary and turn back to the Samsungs and Huwais, and out with the phone goes all the the idealism that made them buy the FP in the first pace. That way, FP creates the exact opposite of what it preaches.

People buy FP for idealistic reasons, they voluntarily pay more for the very specs they’d get with competitors, and of all vendors it should be companies like FP that take their customer’s need for data souvereignty and privacy seriously. Buying an ethical phone and then run the most unethical of all OSs on it is hogwash.

And aside from idealism and marketing: nobody in their right mind will go near a company with such a customer service attitude.

search a laywer and discuss with FPs legal department.

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It’s not worth my time, but it shure would motivate the business to get their act together.

I will try the above steps and if that won’t help, that phone can make someone else unhappy. :wink:

Es ist wirklich schade, das man die Kamera nicht ĂĽberall richtig nutzten kann :frowning:
Warum nicht einfach alles per f-droid erreichbar ist?!?

Gibt einige Threads darĂĽber u.a. auch: For a Better Camera on deGoogled Operating Systems

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Vor allem: scheinbar funktioniert es ja bei den Morena Leuten. Es gäbe da wohl einen GKam port mit dem FP4 und /e/OS gut harmonieren. Soll vielleicht aus als Anreiz dienen, sich eins dort zu kaufen, als es andernorts zu tun und es dann selbst zu installiern.

Das wäre ja alles OK, wenn dieses nicht existente Kleingedruckte offen und ehrlich kommuniziert würde BEVOR ich mir ein FP kaufe. Aber zu suggerieren, das alles funktioniere, ja das Gerät bewusst an Entgoogler zu vermarkten, um sie dann im Regen stehen zu lassen entspricht so gar nicht dem ethisch-fairen Brand Image, mit dem man sich hier so gerne ziert.

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Hat jemand die Anleitung von Fairphone 4: Stock camera on LineageOS probiert?!?
Allerdings hat man bei CalyxOS keine root shell, somit wird es nicht funktioieren, oder?

Also auf meinen FP4 läuft auch iode. Ich empfehle dir die vom LineageOS portierte Aperture app aus dem Fdroid Store. In der App dann unter Einstellungen → Erweitert → Bearbeitung und dort alles auf hohe Qualität. Das Ergebnis ist tatsächlich zufriedenstellend.

Ich habe allerdings keinen Vergleich zur neuen App von FP.

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Finde ich nicht: F-Droid Search: Aperture

In einem anderen Repo?

Hab GitHub - iodeOS/fdroid gefunden… Da gibt es was von “com.iode.aperture”… Doch wie bindet man das in f-Droid ein?!? Wie ist der passende Link dafür?

Hier findest du den Link den den benötigst um die Paketquelle hinzuzufügen


Geschafft… Aber ich glaube das ist 1:1 das selbe wie die Kamera in CalyxOS… Ich sehe jedenfalls keinen Unterschied :wink:

Das ist gut möglich… Ich würde auch eher einen GCam Port nutzen. Der von BSG war bei manchen beliebt, generell ist es aber sicher am Besten da ein wenig rum zu probieren, was den persönlichen Geschmack trifft, mein Favorit Nikita ist glaube ich nicht mehr maintained. Über die Suchfunktion hier findest du da sicher noch Infos z.b.

Ansonsten Calyx ist ja wohl dran

So amayyyyziiiiing!! Nachdem ich die Lineage0S Camera installiert hatte waren die langen Auslöse- und Abspeicherzeiten Vergangenheit. Alles andere werde ich demnächst bei Tageslicht im Direktvergleich mit meinem noch vorhandenen iPhone 13 mini testen.

Vielen Dank an alle, vor allem aber an all die, die zur Lösung beitrugen;!

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